Update 4/26/2022: The anti-racist coalition organizing the April 30th counter-protest has moved the meeting time forward to 9AM. This post and flyers have been updated to reflect this change.
The neo-Confederate organization, Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), plans to rally at Stone Mountain Park on Saturday, April 30th. Grassroots anti-racist and community groups will gather in opposition. We encourage everyone to attend the anti-racist counter-protest. The larger the opposition to the SCV, the greater our capacity to demoralize white supremacist and neo-Confederate movements.

The meet-up point for anti-racists is: 9AM, Saturday 4/30 at 922 Main Street in the community of Stone Mountain. (Note: this is outside Stone Mountain Park.) Be sure to bring friends, water, snacks, sunscreen, and signs!

The planned keynote speaker at the SCV’s event is white nationalist leader Martin K. O’Toole, who is the Georgia SCV’s spokesperson and has been involved in the organized racist movement for half a century. Presently, O’Toole is the President and Chairman of the Charles Martel Society, a secretive but influential white nationalist group which helped to birth the “Alt-Right.”

For more background on O’Toole’s deep involvement in white nationalist and Holocaust-denial circles, see this thread as well as O’Toole’s tag on our website.
Please spread the word about the April 30th mobilization to your friends, community groups, and organizations. See you on the 30th!