Michael David Weaver (also known as Michael David Carothers) is a violent neo-Nazi who has been active since he was a teenager. Currently, he lives in Cartersville and is engaging in a campaign to spread hate in Georgia. Since late last year, Weaver has distributed copious amounts of antisemitic propaganda, mainly for the antisemitic Goyim Defense League but also for other white supremacist groups. Weaver also holds one-man demonstrations with antisemitic signs outside the Bartow County Courthouse. Weaver has a long history of ideologically driven harassment and violence, including an assault on a Black man in Columbus, Georgia for which Weaver served a one-year sentence. Continue reading for more info on Weaver and actions which community members can take.

According to a propaganda article about Weaver/Carothers, Weaver joined the National Alliance “upon turning 18.” Even before then, he distributed racist materials at his high school. At one point, the National Alliance was the largest neo-Nazi organization in North America. It was founded by William Luther Pierce, author of the notorious neo-Nazi genocide fantasy The Turner Diaries. Weaver claims to have met Pierce at a National Alliance meeting in Dahlonega, Georgia before Pierce’s death in 2002.

Weaver was not just a regular member of the National Alliance but set himself apart to the point that the organization named him as its “Activist of the Year” in 2008. (The National Alliance went into steep decline after Pierce’s 2002 death.) Weaver distributed National Alliance literature both on his own and along with his father, David Ray Carothers, who is also a committed neo-Nazi.

Weaver/Carothers was also a member of the white power “World Church of the Creator” (WCOTC) – now known as “Creativity” – which calls for a “racial holy war.” WCOTC newsletters listed Weaver/Carothers as a contact starting from at least the year 2000. In early 2003, Weaver gave an interview as a WCOTC activist, in the wake of WCOTC’s leader being charged with soliciting the murder of a judge.

In December 2010 in Columbus, Georgia, Weaver assaulted a Black man, a stranger, pulling up next to him as he was walking and pepper-spraying him. Weaver pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and received a sentence of one year in jail, nine years’ probation, and banishment from the city of Columbus until the end of his probation.
Upon his release, Weaver relocated to Cartersville and assumed a comparatively lower profile. Soon enough, however, he reared his ugly head again, posting regularly on his “White Information Network” blog which he had initially established in 2010 before his jail sentence (Google/Blogspot removed the site in 2021.) Weaver attended the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 and was in the planning chat for “Unite the Right 2” the following year.

In 2018, Weaver called for supporters to join a hate rally led by the National Socialist Movement although he did not personally attend. Weaver also became involved with the “Rock Stone Mountain II” white power rally that was set to take place in early 2019. The rally collapsed after Stone Mountain Park denied organizers their application for a permit, and anti-racists promised to challenge any unpermitted rally.

Weaver was highly active in north Georgia’s “American Patriots USA” (APUSA) from its founding in late 2019 until mid-2020 when he left over disagreements. Neo-Nazi and former Klan leader Chester Doles created APUSA, in the hope that a group with patriotic branding could build alliances with the broader far-right. Doles and Carothers know each other from their days in the National Alliance, where Doles had been a unit leader.

Coinciding with the end of his probation, Weaver has restarted intense flyering activity. He typically targets Cartersville and the surrounding area, but also hits metro Atlanta. On his Telegram channel, Weaver brags of his neo-Nazi propaganda distribution campaigns – sometimes logging more than one incident a day. Weaver usually distributes flyers from the extremely antisemitic Goyim Defense League. He also circulates materials from the racist/fascist Patriot Front – he is a sympathizer, not a member – as well as the National Alliance, to which he once belonged.

On 19 April, 2022 when placing antisemitic materials on parked cars by the Bartow County Courthouse, Weaver began menacing and then followed an individual who had taken offense to the flyers and had started to remove them from cars. A police officer who arrived on the scene declined to charge Weaver regarding this conflict but cited him for a misdemeanor city ordinance violation regarding the flyers. The racist Conservative Action Report paper reports that Weaver is fighting this charge with help from Atlanta attorney Justin Showalter.

Two videos recently shared online by Weaver show his father, David Ray Carothers, throwing Goyim Defense League flyers onto lawns from a moving car. Weaver seemingly drove and took the footage. One of these videos mentions targeting Euharlee, which is a short drive from Cartersville. If Weaver’s constant brags on Telegram are to be believed, he has hit many other north Georgia communities. Throwing weighted bags containing flyers onto lawns is a distribution method associated with the Ku Klux Klan, although other white supremacists also use it to spread propaganda.
Michael David Weaver is a violent neo-Nazi. He has a history of attempting to intimidate anyone he perceives as an enemy, or who stands in the way of his racist and antisemitic “activism.” To disrupt his efforts, you can:
1. Send us information on Weaver’s landlord. Michael David Weaver lives in an apartment on Fite Street, in a building owned by Brill Brothers, LLC. The person listed as this company’s agent on Georgia Secretary of State filings, states that he has not actually been involved with the company for years. We are asking anyone with current information for Brill Brothers, LLC to contact us. Property managers need to know that by housing a violent white supremacist, they endanger other residents and community members.
2. Report Michael Weaver’s PayPal, @mweaver1521. Weaver uses this account to solicit funds for his antisemitic and white supremacist flyering campaigns.
3. Share any info you may have on Weaver’s training/nutrition business, or other potential sources of income. You can contact our organization by email at: afainatl [at] riseup [dot] net. More contact info is available on our “About” page.