Is the upcoming “Rock Stone Mountain II” rally about “resistance to communism” as its current Facebook event page claims, or is it an overt white supremacist gathering? This article highlights a dozen individuals who marked themselves as “going” to the “Rock Stone Mountain” event outside Atlanta, which is scheduled for February 2nd, 2019. Although there is no guarantee that everyone listed will attend, looking at those who plan to show up gives a clear indication of the rally’s white supremacist and extreme-Right character.
We used two Facebook “going” lists for Rock Stone Mountain II for this article. First, we used the list of people who said they were “going” on the current Facebook event page. We also downloaded the “going” list for an earlier Rock Stone Mountain II event page, which was eventually deleted by Facebook. We used this earlier list as a source for the last few names discussed in this article.
Listed as “Going” on the Current “Rock Stone Mountain II” Facebook Event
- John Michael Estes

John Michael Estes is the primary organizer for “Rock Stone Mountain II”, just as he was for the first “Rock Stone Mountain” in 2016. We have already discussed Estes’ worldview in an earlier article written before the first Rock Stone Mountain rally. Estes is a white supremacist who was radicalized by ordering books from the Aryan Nations while in prison. Estes has since that time moved through a variety of white power circles, from racist “Christian Identity” religion (which believes that whites are God’s true chosen people) to racially-charged versions of Odinism.
Two things that stand out about Estes’ current organizing are his attachment to the bonehead (racist pseudo-skinhead) subculture and his worship of the white supremacist terror group The Order/Brüder Schweigen (Silent Brotherhood).
Estes is the main publisher on the “Rock Stone Mountain” Facebook page, which created the event page for the latest rally. Estes references neo-Nazi subculture by including pictures of bonehead musical acts Skrewdriver (see post here) and Bound for Glory (see post here) on the Rock Stone Mountain page. In addition, although the post-rally evening gathering for the first Rock Stone Mountain was eventually scaled down and combined with a National Socialist Movement event, the 2016 Rock Stone Mountain mobilization tried to attract bonehead rock group Definite Hate to play at its post-rally after-party. Definite Hate were best known for their member Wade Michael Page, who murdered six people and then himself at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in August 2012.

Estes also deeply admires the white supremacist terrorist group The Order. This 1980s underground group funded the white power movement through a series of robberies and a counterfeiting operation. The Order also committed bombings and murdered the Jewish talk show host Alan Berg in 1984. Estes has commemorated Order members David Lane (see here), Gary Yarbrough (here) and Robert Mathews (here) on the Rock Stone Mountain page, even citing Mathews as “the perfect rebel.” Estes personally made a pilgrimage to Whidbey Island, Washington, to visit where Mathews died in a confrontation with federal agents in December 1984. On Facebook, Estes keeps in contact with Susan Yarbrough, wife of Order participant Gary Yarbrough (who died in prison earlier this year).
John Estes’ wife, Jennette Bayly Estes (“Jenny Estes”) is also listed as “going” to the Rock Stone Mountain II Facebook event.
- Gregory Todd Calhoun

Gregory Todd Calhoun (AKA “Thor Griffin”) is the Grand Dragon of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (IKKKKK) in Georgia. Under the name “Greg Cochran,” Calhoun is a registered agent of the IKKKKK, which is listed as a business in Georgia. An announcement for an October IKKKKK event in Mississippi provided Calhoun’s email address as the contact for the “Georgia Grand Dragon”.
On a Facebook account under the name “Mason Dixon”, Calhoun states that he and another “solid brother” (Estes) are the two putting together the new Rock Stone Mountain event. Calhoun was also one of the core organizers for the “Defend Stone Mountain” rally of November 2015 and the first “Rock Stone Mountain” in April 2016.

Prior to joining the International Keystone Knights, Gregory Calhoun was involved with the Aryan Nations Knights, the Klan wing of an Aryan Nations faction.

Calhoun is also linked to the League of the South (LOS), a white nationalist and Southern secessionist organization. He appeared at the League of the South / Nationalist Front “White Lives Matter” rally in Shelbyville, TN, in October 2017. Calhoun also wore a League of the South shirt at the LOS “flash rally” in Newport, TN late September this year.
- Kenneth Steven Monk

Kenneth Steven Monk of Jasper, Georgia – who goes by “Steve Monk” and “Steven Monk” on social media – is a neo-Confederate, white supremacist, and Klansman. Monk is a fixture on the neo-Confederate scene who operates the “Confederate American Pride” website. According to his online biography, Monk has been a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans since 2002 – he is linked to the Gilmer Light Guards Camp 89 of the SCV in Ellijay, Georgia (see a 2015 photo of Monk with the group here).
On his profile on the VKontacte social networking site, Monk does not hide his affiliation with the Klan or his white supremacist ideology. On VKontacte, Monk states that he is not a neo-Nazi, just someone who believes the world would be better had Hitler won the War. In the same post, Monk denies being a member of the National Socialist Movement (NSM). The accompanying photo features Monk wearing a League of the South shirt and holding its “Cushman flag.”
But even if Monk is not part of the National Socialist Movement, he attends their events. Monk was photographed at the combined after-event for the first Rock Stone Mountain rally and the NSM’s rally the same day in Rome, Georgia. (The after-event was at the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Draketown and featured a cross burning.) Monk (along with Greg Calhoun) also attended an NSM meet and greet event in Georgia that June.

Kenneth S. Monk is in the International Keystone Knights KKK alongside Greg Calhoun. When the IKKKKK tried to hold an event in Rockmart, Georgia on October 1, 2016, Monk’s name (misspelled as “Stephen Monk”) appeared on paperwork submitted to the City. Also, when Klansmen and neo-Confederates gathered at the Confederate Cemetery in Marietta, Georgia in May 2017, Monk attended wearing his Ku Klux Klan hat and an IKKKKK shirt.
- Joseph Michael Olah

During the lead-up to the first Rock Stone Mountain event, Joseph Michael Olah used the name “Joseph Andrews” to speak with the media as a rally organizer. “Joseph Andrews” stated that Rock Stone Mountain was not “a hate group” or “a white supremacy group.” On the day of the event, Olah wore a “White Lives Matter” t-shirt and helped hold a banner stating “Diversity = White Genocide”. Olah was also present at the “Defend Stone Mountain” rally of November 2017, which had a clear Klan presence.

Although Olah does not have an open “friends” list on Facebook, his girlfriend Kimberly Gail Jackson (AKA Kimi Jackson) does. Kimi Jackson is Facebook friends with white supremacists John and Jenny Estes, Greg Calhoun, K. Steven Monk, Kenneth Whitman and Rebecca Barnette. (For information on Whitman and Barnette, see below.)
- Brian K. McCoy

Brian K. McCoy of Powder Springs is the Georgia Chairman for the racist/secessionist League of the South. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, McCoy took the reins of the LOS in Georgia after the exposure of its earlier Chairman’s role in violence at “Unite the Right” in Charlottesville, 2017.
On his Twitter account, McCoy urges his followers to “stop being peaceful!” McCoy also retweeted a message celebrating the burning of the Institute of Sexology archives by the Nazis in 1933.
McCoy operates the McCoy’s Woodworking business.
- Jason Allen Bradford

Jason Bradford is a League of the South member who lives outside Gainesville, Georgia. On Facebook, he uses the names “Wyatt Pride” and “Forest Bondurant”. Bradford also has multiple Facebook accounts in his own name, some of which prominently display fascist symbols and League of the South propaganda. One of Bradford’s current Facebook profiles features what appears to be a burning cross rotated 45 degrees – perhaps to represent the “X” of the Cushman flag.
In one of his older Facebook accounts, Bradford posted an Aryan Nations image, suggesting that he associated with this white supremacist group, or at least sympathized with them.
Although we are highlighting that Brian McCoy and Jason Bradford are “going” to Rock Stone Mountain II, we expect the League of the South presence in February to be significantly larger than just these two. Several other members of the LOS have already signaled their attendance – see here, here, and here. (The last of these, Ryan King of Alabama, started a fight with an anti-racist at Richard Spencer’s appearance at Auburn University in April 2017, and was also part of the LOS contingent at “Unite the Right” in Charlottesville that year.)
- Kenneth Gerald Whitman

Kenneth Whitman, who lives outside Douglasville, Georgia, is a racist who promotes the “white genocide” conspiracy theory. Whitman brought his “Diversity = White Genocide” banner to the initial Rock Stone Mountain event in 2016. On his account of that rally published to the “Fight White Genocide” website, Whitman complained that Rock Stone Mountain was labeled as a Klan event. Also in 2016, Whitman was photographed at a small Aryan Nations Worldwide/Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan gathering and protest at the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar.

In March 2017, Whitman attended a protest in Douglasville called by the North Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The North Mississippi Knights did not make an appearance at their own protest – which was held to protest the sentencing of two racist pro-Confederates who brandished guns and menaced a child’s birthday party – but a few racists such as Kenneth Whitman showed up. Attempting to speak to the media while surrounded by counter-protesters, Whitman claimed he was “just a Confederate.”
- Hunter Wyatt Lamm

Hunter Lamm is an open National Socialist who lives in Cumming, Georgia. Lamm is particularly inspired by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. In 2017, Hunter Lamm appeared in the leaked “Southern Front” online chat logs for Vanguard America, a racist and fascist organization. In these chats, Lamm tried to promote a couple of one-man “National Socialist, pro white” protests in his area. Lamm also promoted the “National Socialist American Workers Party” organization – an organization that never really got off the ground.
Although Lamm was in the United States Marine Corps, his military career came to an end last year. Lamm’s discharge may have been due to his preaching of Nazi doctrine.
Some Names Listed as “Going” on the Earlier Facebook Event
Below are some individuals who stated that they were “going” on the initial Facebook event for “Rock Stone Mountain II” before it was deleted by Facebook.
- Shaun Patrick Winkler

Shaun Winkler, under his profile as “Windel Winkler”, RSVP’d he was “going” on the first Facebook event page for Rock Stone Mountain II. A recent post on the International Keystone Knights website confirms that Winkler is still the Mississippi Grand Dragon for that Klan group.
Winkler has a lengthy résumé in the white supremacist movement. Winkler was active with the Aryan Nations and led a failed attempt to build a new Aryan Nations compound in Idaho. After moving to Mississippi, Winkler became the Imperial Wizard (national leader) of the Aryan Nations Knights, a KKK group affiliated with one faction of the splintered Aryan Nations. Winkler later switched his loyalties to the International Keystone Knights. (Winkler’s associate Greg Calhoun also switched from the Aryan Nations Knights to the IKKKKK.)

In 2016, Winkler was listed as the Mississippi state leader for the National Socialist Movement. More recently, Winkler appears to have switched back to the IKKKKK and is also increasingly active within the League of the South.
- Justin Stephen Owens

In our recent article about Tommy Long – the Klan-supporting police officer in East Ellijay, Georgia – we mentioned that Justin Stephen Owens was the Grand Dragon (main state leader) for the United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. We also mentioned some of Owens’ white power activity, such as attending a 2016 Aryan Nations Worldwide protest and being one of the Klan members who showed up to defend the Marietta Confederate Cemetery in May 2017, in response to a Facebook event made by “Trolling Trumpsters”.
However, Owens’ RSVP that he is “going” to Rock Stone Mountain II – whose Klan and Aryan Nations-linked organizers Owens knows well – casts significant doubt on Owens’ claims to have left the white power scene behind.
- Rebecca Barnette

Rebecca Barnette of Surgoinsville, Tennessee has kept a lower profile over the last couple of years than she did in 2016. Her current Facebook account – complete with a “Stand with Kavanaugh” masthead – gives the impression of a hard-Right Republican. It takes some scrolling back to find the image of a clenched white fist grasping a noose.
Barnette made headlines in 2016 when her “White Lives Matter” group was designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its white supremacist orientation. Earlier in 2016, Barnette signed up with the National Socialist Movement to head its Women’s Division. Barnette was also active that year with the Aryan Strikeforce, a militant neo-Nazi group (whose leadership was eventually rounded up in a drug- and gun-trafficking sting). Later in 2016, Barnette fell out of favor with many of her former white supremacist comrades, causing Barnette to delete much of her internet presence.

An old Twitter account for Barnette lists her as a “co-organizer” of the first Rock Stone Mountain rally. Barnette’s “going” to the follow-up Rock Stone Mountain rally indicates that she never completely left the white power scene behind, just adopted a lower profile.
- John Daniel Martin

John Daniel Martin is best known for being indicted for buying votes, when Martin campaigned for Phillip Stewart’s successful bid to become mayor of the small town of Blythe (in the Augusta metropolitan area). John D. Martin also tried to run for City Council in Blythe this year but lost by a narrow margin in the runoff election.
Martin’s racism and endorsement of “white genocide” theories have already been noted by The Augusta Chronicle. Martin is a member of the racist Nationalist Liberty Union. According to the Anti-Defamation League, he also has a history with the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens. Martin attended the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville last year.

The dozen people we discussed above indicate the extreme white supremacist nature of the upcoming Rock Stone Mountain II rally. However, this sampling of attendees is not intended as comprehensive documentation of the different white power groups who may attend the Rock Stone Mountain II rally in February. For example, two other representatives of Klan groups on the current “going” list for February may be found here and here.
Since Klan groups, neo-Nazis and white supremacists are organizing for early February on Stone Mountain, anti-racists and community members must organize too. Follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on efforts against Rock Stone Mountain II. Please also get in touch if you have more information on organizers or scheduled attendees for the February white power rally.