Steven Jason Parr (born November 18, 1972) is the leader of the “Dixie” division of Blood Tribe, a network of militant neo-Nazis with chapters in the US and Canada. Parr presently lives in Athens, Georgia with his wife but hopes to move to Maine, where Blood Tribe’s leader Christopher Pohlhaus has purchased land.

Before he became a fully-fledged neo-Nazi, Parr was an active Proud Boy in Georgia. Over the years, we have highlighted several white supremacists who passed through the Proud Boys in our state. Membership in this far-Right group is a common pathway to explicit white nationalism.
Parr’s current group, Blood Tribe, is co-organizing a neo-Nazi rally in Florida in September together with the “Goyim Defense League” (GDL), an antisemitic propaganda network. Blood Tribe and the GDL have not publicly released the rally date but over the Labor Day weekend appears likely. Comments on the Telegram messaging application suggest that the neo-Nazi event will take place in or near Orlando.

Steven Parr has been building his “Dixie” network of Blood Tribe since early this year. He has been actively recruiting for the Florida rally, which would be his regional network’s first public display.

Online, Parr frequently refers to violence. On Telegram, he has also posted footage of himself harassing people around Athens, Georgia. Due to his fantasies of violence, as well as his focus on active harassment, we believe that Parr is a threat to those around him. We hope that Athens residents will circulate this documentation to warn about Parr. Since Parr has mentioned working on air conditioning, we also hope those in the HVAC industry will spread the word.
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