Steven Jason Parr (born November 18, 1972) is the leader of the “Dixie” division of Blood Tribe, a network of militant neo-Nazis with chapters in the US and Canada. Parr presently lives in Athens, Georgia with his wife but hopes to move to Maine, where Blood Tribe’s leader Christopher Pohlhaus has purchased land.

Before he became a fully-fledged neo-Nazi, Parr was an active Proud Boy in Georgia. Over the years, we have highlighted several white supremacists who passed through the Proud Boys in our state. Membership in this far-Right group is a common pathway to explicit white nationalism.
Parr’s current group, Blood Tribe, is co-organizing a neo-Nazi rally in Florida in September together with the “Goyim Defense League” (GDL), an antisemitic propaganda network. Blood Tribe and the GDL have not publicly released the rally date but over the Labor Day weekend appears likely. Comments on the Telegram messaging application suggest that the neo-Nazi event will take place in or near Orlando.

Steven Parr has been building his “Dixie” network of Blood Tribe since early this year. He has been actively recruiting for the Florida rally, which would be his regional network’s first public display.

Online, Parr frequently refers to violence. On Telegram, he has also posted footage of himself harassing people around Athens, Georgia. Due to his fantasies of violence, as well as his focus on active harassment, we believe that Parr is a threat to those around him. We hope that Athens residents will circulate this documentation to warn about Parr. Since Parr has mentioned working on air conditioning, we also hope those in the HVAC industry will spread the word.

In July, an account using the alias “Sam Izdat” posted to the Telegram chat for White Lives Matter (WLM) in Georgia. “Sam” introduced himself as the “head of Blood Tribe Dixie” and stated that “Hammer [alias of Blood Tribe leader Christopher Pohlhaus] thought it would be a good thing for me to reach out to WLM in the area,” presumably to build ties before the September rally in Florida. We soon discovered that “Sam” had two different Telegram accounts, both using the same alias and indicating his Blood Tribe affiliation. Although the Telegram chat channel for Blood Tribe Dixie disguised who was posting as an administrator, “Sam” was clearly behind many of the admin posts there. (Telegram removed the “Blood Tribe Dixie” chat alongside Blood Tribes’ overall “Camps” chat at the end of August. While we do not know the exact reason Telegram removed these chats, it rarely suspends neo-Nazi channels unless flagrantly illegal content is brought to its attention.)

After more research, we found a Gab account and a Twitter account using the “Sam Izdat” name. (In late July, Twitter suspended the account on that platform.) These two social media accounts both referred to Blood Tribe. For example, “Sam” commented on Twitter this March that “We [neo-Nazi group shown in footage] are Blutstamm [“Blood Tribe” in German]” and referred to Christopher Pohlhaus as “my friend and fuhrer [leader].” The profile pictures used on the Gab and Twitter accounts matched photos that appeared on one or the other of “Sam’s” Telegram accounts, so we knew that all these accounts were operated by the same person.

Scrolling back through the “Sam Izdat” posts on Gab, we discovered a 2019 post complaining about Facebook taking down a photo of a Proud Boys gathering in Georgia. The gathering in question had occurred a year before. The accompanying picture of the Facebook violation showed an account for “S Jason Parr”.

On “Sam Izdat’s” Twitter account, we found a post referring to a killing in the Georgia prison system. “Sam” claimed that in 1992 “one of them [meaning Black people] murdered my 3 year old niece. It took me 14 years to build up the contacts to have him assassinated in prison.” The Twitter account then posted a screen-capture from a Georgia Department of Corrections press release about the prison death. Although the name of the person who was killed in prison had been obscured in the image, it was easy to find the original 2018 release with the name of the dead prisoner, and from there, to find court documents about the child murder in the 1990s. Almost everything about “Sam’s” account was wrong—the murder occurred in 1995 not 1992, the child was two not three when murdered, and the victim was Steven Jason Parr’s first cousin once removed, not his niece. Due to his looseness with facts, we should treat “Sam’s” claim to have engineered a prison assassination with skepticism. Despite the errors, the Twitter post helps confirm “Sam” as Steven Jason Parr, since the story leads directly to his family.
Finally, “Sam” also posted a picture of his wife to Gab. This photo is clearly Steven Jason Parr’s wife, Pamela Joy Parr.
Earlier history: From Proud Boys to the Neo-Nazi Movement

Writing with one of his “Sam Izdat” profiles to a “patriot” Telegram channel last year, Steven Parr stated that: “I was a PB [Proud Boy] for the first two years. I got out […] way before they elected the Cuban.” By “the Cuban,” Parr was referring to Enrique Tarrio, who became the Proud Boys’ chairman in November 2018. We have mentioned that Parr’s narration is unreliable, especially concerning dates. However, there is further evidence that Parr was part of the Proud Boys. Parr exposed himself as “Sam Izdat” when he complained on Gab about Facebook taking down a photo of a 2018 Proud Boys gathering in Georgia. In 2019—admittedly after Enrique Tarrio had become Proud Boys chairman—Parr posted a picture on Gab of himself wearing yellow-and-black Proud Boys colors. (The photo may date from earlier.) In 2019, Parr’s wife also posted a group of a Proud Boys group to her Facebook profile. While the Proud Boys exclude women from membership, this suggests that she was part of their broader circles as a sympathizer, which is common with girlfriends and wives of Proud Boys.

As well as the Proud Boys, the militia movement may have been an earlier influence on Steven Parr. An archive of Parr’s Gab account from 2019 shows that its profile picture then contained the “III” symbol used by the Three Percenter militia movement. Parr’s Pinterest account likewise features the “III” symbol. In a post that reflects common militia obsessions, in 2018 Parr shared a picture of a rifle and ammunition on Gab with the caption “Civil war? Let’s do this!”
Parr claims that he became a neo-Nazi in his mid-40s, writing on an old Twitter account that: “I went from libertarian to full NatSoc [national socialist i.e., neo-Nazi] in about 3 months at age 46”. This account is consistent with his Gab account, which shows him regularly sharing neo-Nazi content from 2019 onward. However, Parr was a racist before his full embrace of neo-Nazism, for example referring to “n[*****]s, sp[**]s, [and] Scuzlims” in a 2017 Gab post. Later in 2017, Parr even shared an image of American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell with a quote from him. Parr threw himself into the neo-Nazi movement from 2019 onward, but his transformation from a racist with far-Right politics to a neo-Nazi was less sudden and dramatic than he portrayed.

Since joining the movement, Parr has not limited his neo-Nazi involvement to posting online. In 2021, Parr shared a picture from “last spring” to a pro-Trump Telegram channel. The photo shows eight masked men posing in the woods with a celtic cross flag (a symbol used by neo-Nazis and white nationalists). Parr identified himself as the crouched figure on the left. Notably, most of those in the photograph, including Parr, wear skull masks. These masks are a common symbol of accelerationist neo-Nazism. Accelerationist neo-Nazis believe that their movement cannot make progress through politics, and instead aim to accelerate social collapse through terrorism, with the hope of imposing a white supremacist regime in the aftermath of state collapse.
Parr was behind a Telegram channel called “Boomerwaffen” which shared racist propaganda for years. “Boomerwaffen” existed since at least 2019, but is now private or deactivated. The channel’s name alludes to the Atomwaffen Division, an accelerationist group tied to five murders, although the reference is cloaked in irony.
Harassment and Violent Fantasies
Steven Parr has a history of menacing behavior. In 2015, he left a voicemail for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, telling them that “You ain’t seen gun violence yet” and to “expect death tolls of over three million” if there are any attempts at gun control. In 2017, Parr wrote on the Facebook page of a political candidate in Arizona who is Muslim, claiming that her loyalties were to Satan and to the “litter box your ‘people’ come from”.
Parr often writes about violence. In 2019, he told a fascist Telegram channel that in 1993 he “had to kill a n[****]r in a fight one night […] stabbed him until he stopped moving.” Despite Parr providing a different year, this may be the same incident he mentioned this July on Twitter, where he claimed that “I killed one of them who tried robbing me in 1992.” We have not located independent documentation of this incident. If the killing did occur, and even if Parr’s violence was defensive, he tells the story to highlight his readiness for racist violence in the future.
Similarly, when Parr claimed to have orchestrated a prison killing, the story may be fantasy except for the parts that trace back to his family. However, Parr’s claim to have arranged the killing and his threat to ensure another person meets the “same fate,” are disturbing even as fantasies, especially since he mentioned them in the context of discussing a “whites vs the world” race war.

As “Sam Izdat” on Telegram, Parr shared at least two videos of harassment around Athens, Georgia. In the first video posted May 2021 to a neo-Nazi channel, Parr approaches a customer’s vehicle at the Checker’s drive-through in Athens, getting in the driver’s face and yelling “Jesus Christ condemns all Jews to hell” at him in response to the driver’s pro-Israel bumper sticker. Another video posted by Parr to a different far-Right Telegram channel, this time in August 2021, shows Parr loudly making racist comments about a Black woman while recording her and her child in the parking lot of the Homewood Village Shopping Center. Combined with Parr’s repeated violent talk and his approval of the Christchurch, New Zealand massacre, we are concerned that this harassment could escalate to far worse incidents.
On Twitter, Steven Parr mentioned repairing air conditioning. A Georgia professional license search does not show any Conditioned Air license in his name, but he may nevertheless work in the industry. We welcome any tips about Parr’s work. As a neo-Nazi organizer with a history of harassment and violent fantasies, Parr poses a danger to people of color, Jewish people, and LGBTQ+ individuals. If Parr is working at or operating any business that brings him into other people’s homes, community members should know.
With this article, we exposed the leader of Blood Tribe’s “Dixie” chapter, who is marshaling his regional network for a September rally in Florida. Steven Jason Parr of Athens, Georgia has been an active white supremacist for years. Before he became an explicit neo-Nazi, Parr was part of the Proud Boys in our state. We have outlined Parr’s white supremacist organizing, his harassment of random individuals in his community, and his disturbing violent fantasies. Because of that history, we believe that Parr is a threat to those around him in Athens, as well as those he may encounter when he travels regionally for work.
The upcoming Goyim Defense League and Blood Tribe rally in Florida will occur in the direct aftermath of a white supremacist shooter murdering three Black people in that state. Although Blood Tribe and the GDL were talking about their Florida rally since before this latest outrage, the neo-Nazi rally is a further insult to those left grieving by racist terror. We hope that anti-racist researchers expose other rally participants to their communities, just as we have done with Parr.
Please get in touch if you have information about Parr’s employment or other details about him. We also welcome other tips about racist organizing in our region.