This blog entry is directed towards any fascists, white nationalists, or those on the edges of these movements:
A new decade is here and we at Atlanta Antifascists want to give you a piece of advice: if you want the 2020s to be a positive decade for you, then you need to leave the fascist movement. Look, one of your leaders has already started the New Year off with an arrest for alleged kidnapping and domestic violence. This is not a movement you want to be associated with, and the consequences are often life-ruining. For example, in the past year multiple fascists our group has exposed have been fired from their jobs and had their personal lives upended on top of a job firing. You can try to move, but your continued involvement in white nationalist circles will follow you.

Luckily for you, there are options to leave the white power movement. Contrary to the established mythology around “red-pilling”, people leave all the time, either publicly or privately. There are groups that can help you exit the movement like the Free Radicals Project. Our group is not associated with the Free Radicals Project, but we do see their important work. Be aware that grifters are also out there. We strongly advise you to not associate yourself with them – firstly for safety reasons, and secondly because from the perspective of our group, they don’t count.
We don’t go after people for their pasts. If it’s clear that you’ve left white nationalism behind, we’ll leave you alone. Just send us an email with an account of your time in the movement as a token of good faith/sincerity (what you’ve done, with what organizations, etc.), be ready to answer some follow-up questions, and make clear in your actions going forward that you’ve left white nationalism behind. That’s all. We can’t speak for anyone else you may have harmed, but we don’t get in the way of people trying to do better by themselves and others.
Let the 2020s be a decade of growth and sincere change for the better. Reach out for help leaving the fascist movement, and if you’re in our region, send us a message to let us know about your choice.