This is an appendix to “What is the United Universal Fellowship of Faith?”
In our 2019 article on Jared Huggins, we noted that Huggins – who recently received property from UUFF – listed his work as “Acquisitions at Hartford Trust”. We connected the Hartford Trust to an address in Key West, Florida used by Sam Dickson.

Since Huggins’ name has come up yet again, we should clarify what we now know about the Hartford Trust. Fulton County property filings identified Jane Fenwick Goodwin as well as Sam Dickson as trustees of the Hartford Trust, which is an irrevocable trust formed in 2009. Jane Fenwick Goodwin is the daughter of Francis Goodwin II, who founded the Goodwin, Loomis & Britton investment company in Connecticut and was also a founder of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra. The trust’s name likely refers to Goodwin’s family home.

In Dickson’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings, Jane Fenwick Goodwin was named as a co-owner of Key West, Florida properties with Sam Dickson. Jane Goodwin began transferring partial interest in her Key West properties to Dickson in the early 1990s. Both Dickson and Goodwin spend time and have property in Key West, FL as well as Atlanta, GA. Although both Dickson and Goodwin provide a building on Margaret Street as their address in Key West, they may maintain different apartments. Their listed addresses in Atlanta are different. Other legal documents list Dickson as “a single man” and Goodwin as “a single woman”. Goodwin (born 1933) is almost a decade and a half older than Dickson (born 1947).
In March 2020, Goodwin transferred her interest in at least two of the four remaining Hartford Trust tracts in Atlanta to Dickson.

Interestingly, Jane Fenwick Goodwin may share some of Dickson’s political stances. In 1964 “Miss Jane-Fenwick Goodwin” then of Waterford, Virginia testified to a House subcommittee against HR 7700, which aimed to reform US immigration policy and remove quotas based on national origins. In 1965, a new House Resolution similarly aimed to remove discriminatory quotas on immigration and was signed into law as the Hart-Celler Act. Rolling back Hart-Celler is a major long-term goal for US white nationalists.
We already knew that Fenwick-Goodwin and Sam Dickson’s finances interwove. Goodwin appeared in Dickson’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to her co-ownership of Key West, Florida properties with Dickson. Some of the Florida properties are part of the “Villas Key West” vacation rentals, typically a money-maker for Dickson. (The rentals potentially bring in less money during a pandemic.) In Atlanta, vacant lots owned by The Hartford Trust adjoin property owned by Dickson’s Hickory Hill 1185 LLC. Although white nationalist Jared Huggins stated online that he worked for the Hartford Trust, we believe Huggins does additional work on the Atlanta property market for Dickson and his broader network.