Tracking and Countering the Far Right since 2016
Update 11/4/2018: the Soldiers of Odin “Heiðinn Division” has now broken from S.O.O. international leadership in Finland.
Members of the Sacred Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Georgia are now claiming state leadership of the “Soldiers of Odin,” a far-Right anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim organization. The Soldiers of Odin (SOO) formed in 2015 in Finland, but have now spread to other European countries, to Australia, to Canada (the Québec group remains affiliated with Finland, while other groups have distanced themselves from Finnish leadership), and – despite initial growing pains in this country – to the United States.
The Soldiers of Odin, known for their anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim street patrols, claim not to be “a MC [motorcycle club], criminal organization or a Nazi group!” However, the founder of the Soldiers of Odin in Finland was convicted of a racist attack in 2005 and is a supporter of the Nordic Resistance Movement, whose politics are neo-Nazi. Finnish SOO leadership is clear that white supremacists are welcome within their organization’s ranks. The US division we discuss in this article is answerable to SOO leadership in Finland.
The Sacred Knights KKK members now serving as Georgia state leaders for the Soldiers of Odin are part of “Soldiers of Odin – Heiðinn Division”. The SOO “Heiðinn Division” in the United States was founded by a murderer who was released from prison last year. In this article we will provide more information about the SOO “Heiðinn Division” and its Missouri-based leader; about the Soldiers of Odin Georgia chapter president and its vice president; and finally, about another white supremacist affiliated with SOO in Georgia.
L-R: SOO “Heiðinn Division” founder Strider Rögnirhár AKA Gabriel Saraceno; Georgia SOO participants Joey Hobbs, Brandon Smith and Terrance Sellars. Continue reading “Georgia Sacred Knights KKK Members Rebranding as Soldiers of Odin”