Meet Aaron Krueger of Lawrenceville, Georgia: Neo-Nazi Spreading “Patriot Front” Propaganda throughout Metro Atlanta

Summary: Since the end of 2017, the fascist/white supremacist organization Patriot Front has distributed thousands of flyers throughout Metro Atlanta and placed a significant number of stickers and posters throughout the region.  Patriot Front’s mission is to rebrand neo-Nazi and white supremacist belief as American patriotism. Patriot Front formed as a splinter group from Vanguard America, after someone linked to Vanguard America murdered a protester at last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia – a bloody event which led to a reversal of fortune for organized white nationalists in the US. Although Patriot Front’s existence has been short, the organization has been growing. Political violence is at the center of Patriot Front’s apocalyptic vision of national rebirth from the ashes of “failed” democracy. In Georgia, the heart of Patriot Front is someone who goes by the name of “Chris GA” in online Patriot Front discussion. Through conducting additional research on “Chris GA” we have identified him as Lawrenceville, Georgia resident Aaron Christopher Krueger. This identification was further verified through surveillance on Krueger’s Lawrenceville address.

aaron c krueger
Aaron Christopher Krueger

Continue reading “Meet Aaron Krueger of Lawrenceville, Georgia: Neo-Nazi Spreading “Patriot Front” Propaganda throughout Metro Atlanta”

Documentation: National Socialist Movement & Allies in Newnan, Georgia, April 21, 2018 (Gallery 1 of 2)

A1 Continue reading “Documentation: National Socialist Movement & Allies in Newnan, Georgia, April 21, 2018 (Gallery 1 of 2)”

Documentation: National Socialist Movement & Allies in Newnan, Georgia, April 21, 2018 (Gallery 2 of 2)

b1 Continue reading “Documentation: National Socialist Movement & Allies in Newnan, Georgia, April 21, 2018 (Gallery 2 of 2)”

Newnan, Georgia Authorities Cite Far-Right Militia Sympathizer as Basis for April 21st Planning

Update 5/1/2018: According to new information released in response to a public records request, it appears that the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office also relied on the militia sympathizer’s scare story when planning for April 21. See Unicorn Riot’s story here.

According to the City of Newnan, police relied on a fantasy written by an “anti-antifa” sympathizer of the far-Right militia movement when deciding on a mammoth police presence against anti-Nazi protesters on April 21.

Last week, The Times-Herald – Newnan, Georgia’s main paper – published the story “Police clarify arrests, heavy presence during rally.” The Times-Herald article attempts to push back against media coverage of the militarized police in Newnan on April 21st, who charged an anti-racist crowd and pointed guns at protesters. Law enforcement now tries to build a narrative around “agitators” within the anti-racist crowd. The Times-Herald published Newnan Police Department and Coweta County Sheriff’s Office claims without any counterpoint from anti-racists or non-police observers.

april 21 arrest
Militarized police arresting anti-racist, April 21, 2018. (Still from Copwatch video.)

Continue reading “Newnan, Georgia Authorities Cite Far-Right Militia Sympathizer as Basis for April 21st Planning”

April 21: Nazi Rally in Newnan, Georgia Resisted by Anti-Racists, Assisted by Militarized Police


On April 21, 2018, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) held a small rally at the Greenville Street Park in Newnan, Georgia, 45 minutes southwest of Atlanta. The NSM’s application to use the Park — accepted by the City of Newnan for $50 — stated that the Nazi organization would bring fifty to a hundred participants for its white power rally. This was expected to be one of the largest displays of open white supremacists since the bloody “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last year. In the end, the NSM attracted approximately half its minimum projected attendance and was protested by several hundred. To create conditions for the NSM event to take place, the entire City of Newnan was militarized, with approximately 700 police from various agencies swamping the City, mobilizing a large number of military surplus vehicles, then brutalizing and arresting anti-racist protesters. We are proud of the anti-racist protesters in Newnan on Saturday. Both “antifa” and other anti-racists continued to protest even as police pointed guns at them for no apparent reason, and repeatedly charged into the #NoNaziNewnan anti-racist assembly to violently arrest demonstrators. Further, the large organized presence from the Black community in Coweta County — visible directly across the street from the Nazi rally — was inspiring. The NSM event flopped. Anti-racists and anti-fascists have much to be pleased with from the 21st, despite the fresh instances of repression which we must now address. State displays of force such as we witnessed in Newnan seem increasingly likely as anti-fascists move forward in the South. The same is probably true throughout the US. In our conclusion, we will briefly discuss ramifications of this changed strategic situation.NoNaziNewnan.jpg

Continue reading “April 21: Nazi Rally in Newnan, Georgia Resisted by Anti-Racists, Assisted by Militarized Police”

ALERT: Neo-Nazis at Quality Inn Hotel in Bremen, Georgia

We have verified that many neo-Nazis from the National Socialist Movement – visiting our state for their national meeting at the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Temple/Draketown plus a public rally in Newnan – are currently staying at the Quality Inn at 1077 Alabama Ave S in Bremen, Georgia. 
bremen 1
Neo-Nazis at Quality Inn in Bremen
We have notified Quality Inn in Bremen about the bookings made by National Socialist Movement members for the weekend. Nazis have arrived and are arriving at the hotel.

The Nazis hosted by Quality Inn in Bremen pose a danger to hotel workers, as well as to people in the Bremen area. Additionally, Quality Inn is facilitating the Nazi show of force in Newnan, Georgia on Saturday by hosting rally participants. 

The National Socialist Movement is part of the broader “Nationalist Front” white supremacist coalition. Nationalist Front members were at the forefront of the racist violence at “Unite the Right” in Charlottesville, Virginia in August. In October, Nationalist Front members (this time with the “Traditionalist Worker Party”) assaulted an interracial couple at a pub in Tennessee after a dismal “White Lives Matter” rally in that state.

bremen 2
Presently, the National Socialist Movement is stating that its members will be “weaponized to the teeth” for their weekend of activity in Georgia. It is likely that many of the NSM’s weapons are being stored in Quality Inn Hotel rooms in Bremen or in vehicles parked outside

We are asking all concerned community members to directly contact the Quality Inn in Bremen and Choice Hotels, which operates the Quality Inn franchise. Ask them why they are endangering locals, other hotel guests, and Georgia residents by accepting multiple bookings from notorious neo-Nazis this weekend. Request that they eject the Nazis from their space.

If you need to preserve your privacy when reaching out, remember that you can call *67 before dialing to block your phone number.

Contact Information for Quality Inn location in Bremen, Georgia 
1077 Alabama Ave S, Bremen, GA, 30110
Main Phone: (770) 824-5105 
Fax: (770) 824-5730 
Be courteous to hotel workers. This is not their fault. They are some of the people most exposed to danger from Nazis staying at the location.
Contact information for Choice Hotels – Quality Inn is one of their franchises
Customer Relations Phone: 800-300-8800
Customer Relations hours: 8AM to 10PM EST today, 9:30 to 6PM over weekend (Eastern Standard time).
Corporate Offices Phone: (301) 592-5000


Final #NoNaziNewnan Update: See You on the 21st!

Note 4/20/18: Newnan authorities have now posted a ridiculous list of prohibited items for tomorrow’s protest, which you can see here. A reminder from us: people don’t need to comply with going into protest pens. See you tomorrow!

On Saturday, April 21st, the neo-Nazis of the National Socialist Movement and their white supremacist allies will rally in Newnan, Georgia, at Greenville Street Park. (Newnan is part of Metro Atlanta and is approximately 45 minutes southwest of the city of Atlanta.) Anti-racists from the South, from Metro Atlanta, and from Newnan itself will have a large counter-presence in Newnan that day, organized by the #NoNaziNewnan Coalition. Background on the neo-Nazi show of force in Newnan is here, our original call to action is here, and a #NoNaziNewnan press release is here. As the Newnan anti-racist mobilization approaches, here is what you need to know. We hope to see everyone on the streets this Saturday!

newnan final poster with cross street new time
Assembly Point and Time
We have moved our starting time slightly forward to 1:30PM on Saturday. Please do your best to arrive on time. We are assembling at the corner of Jackson & Clark St. in Newnan. (Be aware that the Newnan Police Department is not far away.)
jackson clark.jpg
We expect there will be enough unrestricted parking on nearby streets. If you are arriving from outside Newnan, please add a few minutes for finding a spot and parking when calculating travel time. 
Bail Fund
A bail fund has been established, in case of arrests and repression against anti-racist protesters. Donate here:
Continue to Spread the Word! 
Please continue to notify your contacts and spread the word until Saturday! Our latest flyers are here and our latest poster is here.
#NoNaziNewnan Facebook event is here:
Updates on Day
The Twitter account for Atlanta – will have updates throughout the day on Saturday. Also continue to check the #nonazinewnan hashtag.
Some Dos and Don’ts for April 21st


  • Bring your friends! We recommend showing up and leaving in a group.
  • Arrive well-rested.
  • Bring snacks and water. The Nazis are not expected to leave until 5PM.
  • Bring a sharpie. A jail support number will be provided. Write the number on your body. Share so others can do the same.
  • Stand in solidarity with other protesters, especially those most likely to be targeted or harassed.


  • Arrive late.
  • Assume that others will supply food or water. Do plan for yourself and your friends.
  • Endanger yourself or others on social media. Do be careful about what you post online. Do consider how it could be used by white supremacists or other hostile forces.
Full list of #NoNaziNewnan endorsers:
  • A World Without Police
  • Atlanta Antifascists
  • Atlanta Black Cross
  • Atlanta General Defense Committee
  • Atlanta Industrial Workers of the World
  • Atlanta Resistance Medics
  • Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America
  • Northeast Georgia Democratic Socialists of America
  • One People’s Project
  • Raleigh-Durham Industrial Workers of the World (NC)
  • Refuse Fascism Atlanta
  • Savannah Antifa
  • Savannah Comrades
  • Socialist Party of Eastern Alabama
  • Southern Anti-Racism Network
  • Street Groomers
  • TransIt (Atlanta)
  • Trigger Warning Atlanta
  • Western North Carolina Antifa
  • Workers’ Solidarity Alliance – Atlanta Local


Lies, Damned Lies, and Cameron Padgett: The Secret Life of the Atlanta-area Racist Who Books Richard Spencer’s Campus Visits

Update 5/1/2018: Padgett’s lawsuit against Penn State has been thrown out. Padgett has also dropped his lawsuit against University of Cincinnati.

Summary: Cameron Padgett, who books speaking events for white nationalist leader Richard Spencer on US campuses, has cultivated a media persona as a clean-cut, law-abiding student who cares deeply about free speech and advocacy for white people. In reality, the campus events organized by Padgett for Spencer show military-style coordination with white nationalist groups and predictably lead to racist violence. Contrary to his friendly media face, Padgett is an active participant in the white supremacist movement. Padgett took part in a racist torchlit rally in Charlottesville, Virginia during October – eight weeks after the “Unite the Right” rampage there – and soon after livestreamed himself harassing a working class Latinx community in Atlanta. Padgett frequently rails against the “degeneracy” of the modern age, while being careful to conceal his own history of forgery and drug charges in Chatham County, Georgia. When Padgett received a ticket while driving to the October white power rally in Charlottesville, Padgett gave the address of Safety Net Recovery, a sober living program. Drug use and addiction do not deserve contempt. We condemn Padgett’s racism, his scapegoat politics, and his hypocrisy. Continue reading “Lies, Damned Lies, and Cameron Padgett: The Secret Life of the Atlanta-area Racist Who Books Richard Spencer’s Campus Visits”

Oppose the Nazi Rally in Newnan, GA, April 21!

Note 4/17/2018: due to interest, start time for April 21 #NoNaziNewnan protest moved forward 1/2 hour. Post also updated with a meeting point for Newnan.

The National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization, is having its national meeting in Georgia on April 20-21. While most of the meeting will be in Temple, Georgia (almost certainly at Patrick Lanzo’s Georgia Peach Oyster Bar), the Nazis are also having a public rally in Newnan, Georgia on the afternoon of Saturday, April 21. (Newnan is part of the Metro Atlanta area and is approximately 45 minutes southwest from Atlanta.) The Nazis are expecting 50-100 people to attend their rally at the Greenville Street Park in Newnan.

newnan final poster with cross street new timeNeo-Nazis often believe that smaller cities (such as Newnan) will be more receptive to their racist message, and that they can come in and recruit. Let’s show the Nazis that they’re wrong and that they are not welcome!

Gather in Newnan, 1:30PM, April 21st at the corner of Jackson & Clark St. Follow Atlanta Antifascists’ social media and the #nonazinewnan hashtag for updates.

Please spread the word! Print and distribute posters (download here) and half-sheet flyers (download here)!

Facebook event here:

Bail fund in case of repression:

If your organization wishes to endorse this mobilization, get in contact and we will add you to the list of endorsers.

Protest endorsers:

  • A World Without Police
  • Atlanta Antifascists
  • Atlanta Black Cross
  • Atlanta General Defense Committee
  • Atlanta Industrial Workers of the World
  • Atlanta Resistance Medics
  • Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America
  • Northeast Georgia Democratic Socialists of America
  • One People’s Project
  • Raleigh-Durham Industrial Workers of the World (NC)
  • Refuse Fascism Atlanta
  • Savannah Antifa
  • Savannah Comrades
  • Socialist Party of Eastern Alabama
  • Southern Anti-Racism Network
  • Street Groomers
  • TransIt (Atlanta)
  • Trigger Warning Atlanta
  • Western North Carolina Antifa
  • Workers’ Solidarity Alliance – Atlanta Local

Barnesville, Georgia: Frustrated Fascist Yearns for Violence

On his “Pax Americana” Youtube channel, white nationalist Charles Bradley Tinsley of Barnesville jokes about putting Jews in ovens, expounds his philosophy of “neo-fascism”, talks about his latest guns, and stews in hatred of leftists and people of color. Tinsley is an explicit white nationalist, working towards an all-white ethno-state. He claims that democracy has failed and that it is time for there to be “order and militarism” at the foundation of society. He often ends his rants with the Nazi salute of “Hail Victory,” on occasion adding “keep your guns loaded and your blades sharp.”

Charles Bradley Tinsley
Charles Bradley Tinsley
charles tinsley afn_p
Tinsley’s now-deleted @AFN_P Twitter account initially used his real name

According to his broadcasts, Charles Tinsley studies electrical engineering at a local college. (He once vowed to drop out, but this never happened.) In a Discord chat server linked to “The American Nationalist” Youtube channel (a rebranding of “Surfing the Kali Yuga”) and TheThirdPosition website, Tinsley claimed that he would place posters for white power/fascist organizations the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) and Patriot Front (PF) on a local college campus. Based on Tinsley’s location, we assume this to be Gordon State College, not far from Tinsley’s family home. Tinsley does not appear to be a formal member of the PF or the (now-unravelling) TWP, although Tinsley clearly admires the activity of both organizations. (PF and TWP do not have a history of mutual respect, an indication of Tinsley’s organizing acumen.)

Tinsley Discord posters
Charles Tinsley, using the alias “Not a FED” on Discord, comments about placing fascist propaganda on a local campus.

More disturbing are Tinsley’s recurring bloody fantasies. Frustrated at Twitter and Facebook policies that led to bans on the platforms, Tinsley / “Not a FED” stated on the same Discord server that “somebody needs to take out the f *** k[**]es running these God damn places and Fire Bomb the s[hit] out of the f** Twitter and Facebook offices you start shooting motherfuckers [sic].”

Tinsley Discord violence
Tinsley / “Not a FED” argues for violence on Discord 

Tinsley is not any more restrained on Youtube, where he operates the “Pax Americana” channel. Speaking about “narrative-spinning” journalists who do not report on things Tinsley believes should be reported, Tinsley states “they should be hung in my opinion” (2/18/2018 broadcast).

Following the February mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school, Tinsley lost his cool in a broadcast and stated that “I don’t give a fuck about this teenager […] They need to shut the fuck up” in reference to Stoneman Douglas High School students speaking out after the massacre (who Tinsley believed were not giving others enough time to grieve by saying something.) Tinsley referred to survivors as “little teenagers that are indoctrinated by the system” and stated that there is no solution other than “let them get shot at” because “if you try to take preemptive measures they’ll call you a racist, they’ll call you some type of phobic, and they’ll bitch and cry.”

Tinsley believes that the alleged “destruction of the family unit” by the Left is the true cause of school shootings. We believe Tinsley’s words indicate an extremely volatile personality:

“You commie fucks are too weak to have a functioning society because someone’s feels [feelings] might get hurt […] Everybody in this fuckin’ country will have to die before I give up my guns peacefully.”

A Youtube video by Tinsley posted mid-March displays an image for the Atomwaffen Division, a neo-Nazi organization that has been linked to five murders in less than a year. Tinsley circulating Atomwaffen propaganda further suggests violent inclinations on his part, or at least a willingness to celebrate murder.

Pax Americana atomwaffen
Tinsley / “Pax Americana” circulates Atomwaffen Division propaganda online.

From what we have seen, Tinsley does not seem to be a particularly dynamic organizer for his cause. However, since Tinsley claims to be spreading propaganda for white power groups in his area and regularly issues disturbing fantasies about violence, we believe that those who live near him or attend college with him should know what is going on. Feel free to contact us if you have more information on Charley Bradley Tinsley and his activity around Barnesville.