Video Presentation: How Have Fascists Reacted to the War in Ukraine?

Our first video on Ukraine covered fascists on multiple sides. Now our second video gives a deep dive into fascist reactions to the war.

In terms of content warning: this video reports on Nazi content and contains some Nazi symbolism, but we have not included any material with major slurs. We also reference war crimes and ethnic cleansing but have not included any photographs of dead bodies.

One of our concrete proposals at the end of the presentation is to “Support Ukrainian antifascists, anarchists and anti-authoritarian leftists.” You can support Operation Solidarity and Resistance Committee in Ukraine here.

A .pdf version of the slides from our new presentation is here.

Far-Right Musician Alan Kim AKA “Negative XP”/“School Shooter” in Duluth, Georgia


Alan S. Kim/“Negative XP”/“School Shooter” is the most influential “incelcore” artist and serves as the founder and flagship artist for the movement. Kim headlined the “Virginfest” music festival in Atlanta, GA on September 11, 2021, that saw participants chanting racial slurs and attracted alt-right ur-father Andy Nowicki. Kim is closely connected to white supremacist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and streamed on Fuentes’ “Cozy TV” platform. We previously covered Kim in a Twitter thread, but can now provide further documentation and identification.

Alan S. Kim of Duluth, Georgia, who releases music as “Negative XP”/“School Shooter”

“Incelcore” emerged as a distinct subculture in late 2019 with the release of “MK Ultra Support Group”, a compilation album put together by Negative XP/Kim and featuring other artists. Kim had formerly used the artist name “School Shooter”, or in his spelling, “ϟCHØØL ϟHØØTΣR” (note the use of the stylized Nazi Schutzstaffel lightning bolt runes). The first Negative XP song on the compilation, “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women”, is emblematic of the entire genre, with the lyrics “She’s a whore, a hole, a dime-a-dozen Jezebel”.

Notably, many of the incelcore artists are not literally incels in the sense of “involuntary celibate”, but use the phrase as internet shorthand for their far-right beliefs and virulent misogyny. The scene is a mix of true believers and ironic edgelords, with the edgelords serving as cover for the true believers to indoctrinate more people to their worldview, which goes beyond simple misogyny into an eliminationist stance that celebrates the mass murder of women.

Besides his lyrics, Alan S. Kim engages in other forms of hateful incitement. Kim has a history of using Nazi symbols. On his Twitter, he encourages cyberbullying of trans people, LGBTQIA+ people, sex workers, all women, and anyone else he views as “degenerate”. While Kim uses his music as a form of metapolitics to influence culture towards far-right politics, he is also directly connected to prominent figures and movements in the far right.

We are including action items at the bottom, with information on how to cancel an incelcore show when they occur in your area, and action items regarding Alan S. Kim.

Alan S. Kim
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Ultranationalists and White Nationalist Allies Holding “76Fest” at F.D.R. State Park in Georgia, August 20-22nd

Update: the far-Right gathering was canceled at the last minute due to organizer Rachel Tsimmerman experiencing a medical emergency.

On the weekend of August 20-22, “76 Fest Georgia” will be held at pioneer camp site 04 of F.D. Roosevelt State Park in Harris County, Georgia. All three advertised speakers for 76 Fest have ties to the far-Right American Populist Union (APU), with one being APU’s co-founder and vice president Vince Dao.

76Fest promotional image

APU is a Generation Z-centered, ultranationalist organization founded earlier this year. APU aims to push the US conservative movement even further right on social issues. In this regard, APU closely resembles the “groyper” movement of white nationalist and Holocaust-denier Nick Fuentes. The primary difference between APU and Fuentes’ America First/“groyper” movement is optics: APU believes that Fuentes has acquired too much stigma from being an open racist. APU, by contrast, strives for a more respectable public face. As Political Research Associates point out, APU positions itself as being in dialogue but also in tension with Fuentes’ “groypers”. Fuentes for his part swipes at APU for being a poor imitation of his original.

76 Fest LLC business registration (address is a private mail box business)
Booking information at F.D. Roosevelt State Park

76 Fest advertises itself as “bringing America First values to youth nationwide through an outdoor experience.” 76Fest LLC was registered as business in South Carolina this June, with Jackson L. Avery listed as its agent. Jackson Lee Avery is the College Republicans chairman at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. (Avery grew up in South Carolina.) Avery also helped organize a “Conservative Coachella” event held in Maryland this May, which featured APU figures Vince Dao and John Doyle as speakers. “Conservative Coachella” was a precursor to 76 Fest; following the Georgia gathering, a “76Fest Delaware” is now advertised for September.

Jackson Avery

76 Fest calls itself “uncancellable,” stating that “we do not engage in cancel culture” at its events. No matter how far-Right someone is, they are welcome at the gathering. The festival website also claims that some of the event speakers will not be livestreamed or broadcast, meaning that these speakers can freely express their racism, misogyny, and other bigotry to a receptive crowd without those words coming back to haunt them. 

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“Stop the Steal” Atlanta Rallies Mobilize White Nationalists & Far-Right Fringes; Anti-Racists Protest

Originally published on

Starting Wednesday 11/18/2020, the #StopTheSteal coalition of Trumpist, far-Right, and white nationalist groups began to rally at the Georgia Capitol in a last-ditch effort to stave off certification of the election results in which Trump narrowly lost Georgia. Because of heavy promotion and the presence of InfoWars, the preeminent far-Right conspiratorial outlet led by Alex Jones, the events attracted right-wingers throughout Georgia and beyond. The #StopTheSteal movement in Georgia culminated in a large event on Saturday in which there were so many right-wingers that several city blocks were shut down and cordoned off by police.

Antisemitic flyers strewn around Capitol.
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Documentation: Rally Against Election Results at Georgia Capitol Features Far-Right Leaders, 11/18/2020 (Gallery 1 of 2)

For Gallery 2, see here.

On November 18, Trumpworld operative Ali Alexander held a rally at the Georgia Capitol – the first of a series of events in Atlanta against the election results and for Trump. The rally prominently featured far-Right propagandist Alex Jones and white nationalist leader Nicholas Fuentes. Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio also attended.

Rally security
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Documentation: Rally Against Election Results at Georgia Capitol Features Far-Right Leaders, 11/18/2020 (Gallery 2 of 2)

For Gallery 1, see here.

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