Devin Brosnahan of Augusta, Georgia: Neo-Nazi, “White Lives Matter” Organizer, and Emergency Medical Technician

Update 3/14/2023: After several requests for information, Aiken County Emergency Medical Services has clarified that Devin Brosnahan is no longer employed with them. Please get in touch if you have information on Brosnahan’s current employers.

Summary: Devin Brosnahan is a neo-Nazi leader in Augusta, Georgia. Under the alias “Levi Savage,” Brosnahan leads the Georgia chapter of White Lives Matter. Last year, we appealed for information on “Levi” after we had identified Hunter Forsyth as another White Lives Matter administrator. Now, we can explain how we identified “Levi” while outlining his racist and antisemitic activity with White Lives Matter and other groups. Brosnahan works as an emergency medical technician, an alarming job for a committed and active neo-Nazi. Online records indicate that last year he worked for Aiken County Emergency Medical Services across the state line in South Carolina. Aiken County EMS must clarify whether Brosnahan remains an employee, as he is an obvious danger to those around him and to those he would be expected to provide aid to.


In December, we appealed for information on a white nationalist operating under the alias “Levi Savage.” “Levi” was an administrator for the White Lives Matter – Georgia (WLM – GA) channel on the Telegram messaging application. As well as his WLM – GA activities, he targeted neighborhoods with propaganda for the hardcore antisemitic Goyim Defense League (GDL). In an appearance on an online fascist broadcast, “Levi” claimed that his job was “basically an ambulance driver” and stated that his racist worldview helps him to “deal” at work. We had already traced “Levi” to the metro Augusta, Georgia area and determined several specific details about him. For example, we learned that he had a close connection to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in his earlier life, although his relationship with the church might have soured. 

Devin Brosnahan: 2022 employee at Aiken County Emergency Medical Services (South Carolina)

We can now identify “Levi” as Devin Daniel Brosnahan, born on October 6, 2000 and currently living in Augusta. Brosnahan is a licensed Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), with online records showing that last year he worked for Aiken County Emergency Medical Services in South Carolina—just across the state line from Augusta. If Brosnahan continues to work as an EMT, he is a potential life-endangering threat to every person of color, LGBTQ+ individual, or Jewish person he encounters. With the publication of this article, we call on Aiken County Emergency Medical Services to clarify whether Brosnahan still works for them. Any emergency medical service employing Brosnahan endangers vulnerable people and must fire the neo-Nazi immediately.

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Violent White Nationalist Leader Works on “Anti-Antifa” Info Project from New Base in Atlanta

Nathan Damigo, a notorious white nationalist leader and co-organizer of 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally, has relocated to Atlanta, where he now attempts to harass those he views as anti-racists, forest defenders, and leftists. Nathan Benjamin Damigo was the first leader for Identity Evropa (IE), a white power organization that eventually morphed into the “American Identity Movement” and disbanded in 2020. As IE’s leader until his resignation in August 2017, Damigo participated in street brawls—including punching a woman in the face—in Berkeley, California and helped organize the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Damigo has now been tied to the property of longtime racist leader, lawyer for Klansmen, and gentrification profiteer Sam Dickson in Buckhead, Atlanta. Damigo is currently operating with the “William McKinley Institute” (WMI), an anti-anti-fascist project that defines itself as “at odds with the Jewish values that dominate our civilization today, infecting every institution with perversion, degeneracy, confusion and chaos”.

WMI recently circulated photographs of Saturday’s protest in Atlanta over the death of Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán, who was shot and killed by the Georgia State Patrol during a multi-agency raid on the Weelaunee Forest / “Stop Cop City” protest site on Wednesday, January 18th. Some politically targeted property destruction occurred during the Saturday protest responding to the murder, and a series of violent arrests by police then followed. As part of a broader right-wing campaign to identify and harass those they claim are part of the movement to Defend the Atlanta Forest, WMI published video and still photographs from the Saturday protest after sending someone to spy on the event. These images were then picked up by the “Antifa Watch” doxing blog, and eventually circulated by far-right propagandist Andy Ngo. While Ngo promoted WMI to his mass audience, he did not note its white nationalist and virulently antisemitic nature.

We have now identified white power leader Nathan Damigo as a key “William McKinley Institute” participant, who is currently based in Atlanta.

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Change Your Life for the Better in 2023: Leave the White Nationalist Movement

At the start of each year, we publish this reminder to any white nationalists or fascists reading our site. Our offer stands year-round.

Some advice for the new year: if you want this year to be better than 2022 was, then you need to make a permanent break with the fascist movement. The fascist movement is not one you want to be associated with, and the consequences are often life-ruining. Even if you make it to the top of a far-Right group, you are not protected from job loss and your career being destroyed. Your organization can also fall apart leaving you alone to face the consequences.

There are, however, options to leave the white power movement. Contrary to the established mythology around “red-pilling”, people leave all the time, both publicly and privately. There are even networks in place that can help you exit the movement – let us know if you need help establishing contact with them. Merely saying you are no longer a racist or fascist while still organizing and associating with your fascist pals is not acceptable. We will know if you are insincere.

Because our priority is countering active white supremacists, Atlanta Antifascists will not go after you for your past. If it’s clear that you’ve left white nationalism behind, we’ll leave you alone. Just send us an email with an account of your time in the movement as a token of good faith/sincerity (what you’ve done, with what organizations, etc.), be ready to answer some follow-up questions, and make clear in your actions going forward that you’ve left white nationalism behind. That’s all. We can’t speak for anyone else you may have harmed, but we don’t get in the way of people trying to do better by themselves and others. 

Let 2023 be a year of turning your life around. Reach out for help leaving the fascist movement if you think you need it. If you’re in our region, send us a message to let us know about your choice. We look forward to hearing from you.

Metro Augusta: Help Identify Neo-Nazi “White Lives Matter” Organizer and Ambulance Driver

Update 2/27/2023: We have identified this neo-Nazi as Devin Brosnahan of Augusta, Georgia. See our article here.

A neo-Nazi operating under the alias of “Levi Savage” is currently the head of the White Lives Matter (WLM) network in Georgia. “Levi” is an administrator for WLM’s Georgia announcement channel and discussion group on the Telegram messaging app. “Levi” has traveled our state spreading antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda. According to a February 2022 interview, he works as an ambulance driver. We are spreading our documentation on “Levi” in the hope that community members will be able to identify him, as his neo-Nazi activism not only makes him unfit for emergency medical work but also jeopardizes those around him.

Key facts about “Levi Savage”:

  • He lived in Utah before moving (or returning) to Georgia.
  • He has been active in White Lives Matter’s Georgia chapter since at least February.
  • His earliest activities for WLM centered on the Augusta metropolitan area.
  • In January 2022, “Levi” identified himself as a member of the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi organization. “Levi” has also distributed propaganda for the Goyim Defense League, a hardcore antisemitic propaganda project.
  • In a February 18, 2022 interview on a fascist internet show, “Levi” stated: “I work in the Emergency Medical Services, I’m basically an ambulance driver.” He also stated that he had been working at that job for about “six months” but had “been aware of emergency medical services all my life […] it’s been a big background for me.”
  • Levi is a Onewheel enthusiast and has distributed WLM and Goyim Defense League materials while riding his Onewheel.
  • Although he has criticized Christianity, “Levi” appears to have past ties and cultural sympathies with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

Since “Levi’s” early WLM propaganda activity appeared around Evans, Martinez, and Augusta, one potential workplace for him (if he remains in the same job) is Gold Cross EMS, which provides emergency ambulance services for Columbia, Richmond, and Jefferson counties. We encourage readers to pass along our documentation to any contacts working in the Emergency Medical Services field in Georgia. For anyone with potential tips on “Levi,” please send us a message.

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Hunter Calin Forsyth: “White Lives Matter” Racist, Accelerationist Neo-Nazi, and Coweta County Firefighter

This article links to archives of unsettling white supremacist content. There is no need to check these materials unless you are verifying Hunter Forsyth’s neo-Nazi activity. If you need to examine them, we suggest reading about vicarious trauma and best practices for open source research beforehand.

Update: Shortly after publication, Administrative Services Director Cathy Farr confirmed Hunter Forsyth’s employment as a Coweta County firefighter. Farr flatly stated that Coweta County Fire Rescue would take no action against their neo-Nazi employee, since his white supremacist activity was not done in uniform.
Update 2, evening of 12/6/2022: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Hunter Forsyth has now been placed on paid leave, while his neo-Nazi activity is investigated.
Update 3, 12/7/2022: Well, that was quick: Coweta County Fire Rescue has fired Hunter Forsyth.

Hunter Calin Forsyth (born June 15, 1995) is a white supremacist who, according to social media posts, has worked for Coweta County Fire Rescue in Georgia since August of 2022. Forsyth was active in the “White Lives Matter” (WLM) network in our state from late 2021 until at least the middle of this year. During this time, Forsyth was an administrator for the Georgia group’s electronic chat; placed propaganda for the group in several parts of our state; traveled to network with other members; and attended at least one out-of-state White Lives Matter rally as a representative for the Georgia chapter.

Hunter Forsyth

We have also tied Forsyth to an account on the far-right social networking site Gab, where he celebrated a white supremacist mass shooting in Buffalo, New York earlier this year. On the same site, Forsyth circulated a propaganda video for a notorious “accelerationist” neo-Nazi group which unambiguously advocates for white supremacist terrorism. 

Forsyth graduates from Coweta County Fire Rescue firefighter/EMT academy, August 2022
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Gallery of Neo-Nazi Attempted Harassment of LGBTQ+ Event, Maryville, Tennessee, November 25, 2022

On November 25th, 2022, Tennessee anti-fascists received advance warning from a local community member in Maryville, Tennessee that neo-Nazis were threatening to attack patrons at their charity LGBTQ+ event. This community member put out the request for aid. Many answered the call, both locals and neighbors, and armed community defense protected the event. The neo-Nazis failed definitively in their objective. We are hosting these photos as a service to Tennessee anti-fascists. We encourage other individuals and organizations to share and repost these images widely and freely to identify all neo-Nazis present. A text write-up of the event by an attending anti-fascist can be found at

Meet the Georgia Proud Boys


This article is a joint effort by Atlanta Antifascists and Niall of the Nine. We uncover the identity of more than half of the Georgia Proud Boys who rallied this June in downtown Atlanta. We also identify several other recently-active Proud Boys in Georgia. We outline the history of the Proud Boys in our state; document a recent anti-LGBTQ+ campaign by the group in Columbus, Georgia; uncover histories of domestic violence and even rape (content warning for child sexual abuse); discuss possible future activities; and give advice for countering this far right gang.

Members of the Proud Boys in Georgia discussed in this article.
Continue reading “Meet the Georgia Proud Boys”

Hunter Wyatt Lamm: Longtime Neo-Nazi Attempts to Build Football Career, Infiltrate Politics

Update, late November 2022: Online footage shows Hunter Lamm training with the Peach State Cats, revealing that the team’s internal investigation has concluded and favored Lamm. The team never reached out to our group with questions or for further documentation. We strongly condemn the team’s reckless decision.

Update, late September 2022: According to a post on the Peach State Cats’ Facebook page, Hunter Lamm has been removed from the team while it pursues an internal investigation.

Anti-racist researcher Nick Martin has uncovered that Eugene Yu’s campaign paid Lamm at least $2,500 for work this year.


Hunter Wyatt Lamm (born 1996) of Cumming, Georgia is a longtime neo-Nazi who was active with the American Nazi Party until at least late 2021. This year, Lamm is attempting to build a future for himself in professional sports. Lamm plays football for the Peach State Cats, a team within the semi-professional Elite Indoor Football league. On September 24, the Peach State Cats will play an exhibition game against the Western Maryland Warriors at the Atlanta Silverbacks Suwanee Indoor field. We are publishing documentation on Lamm because this game is a scouting opportunity for him. We believe that Lamm should not be allowed an opportunity to make money in sports, and that the Peach State Cats should kick the racist out rather than giving him opportunities to advance. We are also circulating information on Lamm in case he tries to build influence as a Republican political activist, since Lamm was active this year in a Republican campaign in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District.

Hunter Wyatt Lamm
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Gallery of the Georgia Proud Boys Failed Harassment Convoy Against Pro-Choice Protesters in Downtown Atlanta

Around 5PM on Saturday June 25th, a group of almost twenty Proud Boys came into downtown Atlanta, looking to harass pro-choice protesters. We covered the excursion on a Twitter thread here, helping amplify many sources who were on the ground. Most of the Proud Boys wore plates and custom branded insignia, and their convoy consisted of three pickup trucks plus a repurposed armored truck. Despite their obvious intent to intimidate Atlantans with this show of force, the Proud Boy convoy met with immediate concerted resistance and was prevented from harassing protesters by local armed community defense.

The Proud Boys attempted to conceal their identities by wearing gaiter masks and obscuring their plates. This tactic has worked well for them in the past, since they typically have friendly relations with the police. However, it did not entirely succeed this time, and they received traffic citations for attempting to obscure their plates.

The neo-fascist Proud Boys have had little to no public presence in metro Atlanta for several years. Their organization statewide in Georgia focused on social events and quiet networking. Many recruits would pass through the Proud Boys only temporarily, with some members eventually moving toward more openly white supremacist and neo-Nazi politics. However, judging by the ridiculous insignia on their vanity truck, the Georgia chapter has been reconstituted as of 2021. We are working on further identification and will have more to publish soon. In the meantime, we are posting this gallery of media for the public to examine. If you have any tips, contact us. Email is the most secure method, and as always, we guard the confidentiality and anonymity of our sources.

Video of departing convoy
Police Scanner audio discussing traffic citations

Cartersville, Georgia: Meet Local Neo-Nazi Activist Michael David Weaver

Michael David Weaver (also known as Michael David Carothers) is a violent neo-Nazi who has been active since he was a teenager. Currently, he lives in Cartersville and is engaging in a campaign to spread hate in Georgia. Since late last year, Weaver has distributed copious amounts of antisemitic propaganda, mainly for the antisemitic Goyim Defense League but also for other white supremacist groups. Weaver also holds one-man demonstrations with antisemitic signs outside the Bartow County Courthouse. Weaver has a long history of ideologically driven harassment and violence, including an assault on a Black man in Columbus, Georgia for which Weaver served a one-year sentence. Continue reading for more info on Weaver and actions which community members can take.

Michael David Weaver (AKA Michael Carothers)
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