Change Your Life for the Better in 2024: Leave the White Nationalist Movement

At the start of each year, we publish this reminder to any white nationalists or fascists reading our site. Our offer stands year-round.

Some advice for the new year: if you want this year to be better than 2023 was, then you need to make a permanent break with the fascist movement. The fascist movement is not one you want to be associated with, and the consequences are often life-ruining. Even if you make it to the top of a far-Right group, backstabbing and infighting is so common that other members of the group may threaten your life. Fascist organizations typically have a short lifecycle, and when they fall apart, despite all the vaunted claims of eternal brotherhood, you may be left alone to face the consequences. 

There are, however, options to leave the white power movement. Contrary to the established mythology around “red-pilling,” people leave all the time, both publicly and privately. There are even networks in place that can help you exit the movement – let us know if you need help establishing contact with them. Merely saying you are no longer a racist or fascist while still organizing and associating with your fascist pals is not acceptable. We will know if you are insincere.

Because our priority is countering active white supremacists, Atlanta Antifascists will not go after you for your past. If it’s clear that you’ve left white nationalism behind, we’ll leave you alone. Just send us an email with an account of your time in the movement as a token of good faith/sincerity (what you’ve done, with what organizations, etc.), be ready to answer some follow-up questions, and make clear in your actions going forward that you’ve left white nationalism behind. That’s all. We can’t speak for anyone else you may have harmed, but we don’t get in the way of people trying to do better by themselves and others. 

Let 2024 be a year of turning your life around. Reach out for help leaving the fascist movement if you think you need it. If you’re in our region, send us a message to let us know about your choice. We look forward to hearing from you.

Meet Neo-Nazi and Patriot Front member Nicholas Gene Ambrose, AKA “GoyHio,” of Ohio and South Carolina

This article is a collaboration between Atlanta Antifascists and Utah Antifascists.

Nicholas Ambrose caught leaving racist stickers in Columbus
Nicholas Ambrose photographed after placing racist stickers in Columbus, Ohio, September 15, 2023.

Summary: Nicholas Gene Ambrose is a Patriot Front member from South Carolina, currently living in Columbus, Ohio, where he is an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. He is active with multiple racist and fascist organizations in the US, and also brags about his connections to other far-right groups overseas. Online, he uses the handle “GoyHio” to talk about stalking and harassing people he perceives as enemies, including other students; and to advocate for violence against women, people of color, Jewish people, and LGBTQ+ people. The actions and behavior documented in this article demonstrate the ongoing threat he poses to members of his community.

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Steven Jason Parr: Neo-Nazi Leader of “Blood Tribe Dixie” in Athens, Georgia

Steven Jason Parr (born November 18, 1972) is the leader of the “Dixie” division of Blood Tribe, a network of militant neo-Nazis with chapters in the US and Canada. Parr presently lives in Athens, Georgia with his wife but hopes to move to Maine, where Blood Tribe’s leader Christopher Pohlhaus has purchased land. 

Before he became a fully-fledged neo-Nazi, Parr was an active Proud Boy in Georgia. Over the years, we have highlighted several white supremacists who passed through the Proud Boys in our state. Membership in this far-Right group is a common pathway to explicit white nationalism. 

Parr’s current group, Blood Tribe, is co-organizing a neo-Nazi rally in Florida in September together with the “Goyim Defense League” (GDL), an antisemitic propaganda network. Blood Tribe and the GDL have not publicly released the rally date but over the Labor Day weekend appears likely. Comments on the Telegram messaging application suggest that the neo-Nazi event will take place in or near Orlando.

“Sam Izdat” (Steven Parr) refers to upcoming Orlando rally in the Telegram chat for White Lives Matter in Georgia

Steven Parr has been building his “Dixie” network of Blood Tribe since early this year. He has been actively recruiting for the Florida rally, which would be his regional network’s first public display.

On the Gab far-Right social network, Parr condones the Christchurch, New Zealand mass shootings, which killed 51 people.

Online, Parr frequently refers to violence. On Telegram, he has also posted footage of himself harassing people around Athens, Georgia. Due to his fantasies of violence, as well as his focus on active harassment, we believe that Parr is a threat to those around him. We hope that Athens residents will circulate this documentation to warn about Parr. Since Parr has mentioned working on air conditioning, we also hope those in the HVAC industry will spread the word.

Continue reading “Steven Jason Parr: Neo-Nazi Leader of “Blood Tribe Dixie” in Athens, Georgia”

Adam Davenport: Patriot Front and “Active Club” Racist Organizer in Metro Atlanta

Adam Ray Davenport (born May 16, 1989) of Derden Circle SW in Lilburn, metro Atlanta is a key member of Patriot Front in our state. Patriot Front (PF) formed in 2017 as a breakaway from the fascist Vanguard America group, in the immediate aftermath of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. From the beginning of PF, our organization has documented its activity in our state and exposed its organizers. Davenport joined PF last year and quickly became one of its most committed members in our region.

Adam Davenport

In addition to his activity with Patriot Front, Davenport is behind the newly formed “Atlas Active Club” which claims to operate in metro Atlanta and north Georgia. The Active Club network provides a space for white nationalists to network with each other and to train for violence against their targets. Davenport is also an online propagandist for his white power cause, running a Substack account and a Telegram channel offering a “pro-White perspective” on events in metro Atlanta. This propaganda outlet regularly promotes PF and circulates updates from the local chapter.

Continue reading “Adam Davenport: Patriot Front and “Active Club” Racist Organizer in Metro Atlanta”

Help Identify Georgia White Nationalist “Conrad”

We are seeking information on the white nationalist pictured below.

“Conrad” (an alias) is a close associate of Adam Davenport, an organizer in metro Atlanta for the white supremacist and fascist organization Patriot Front. “Conrad” has also been involved with Patriot Front, beginning at least last year.

Adam Davenport posted the first picture of “Conrad” to the “Fren Report” racist Telegram chat, early in the morning on July 16, 2022. The second image is from a brief video posted by Davenport to the same channel on the evening of July 17, 2022. In that video, “Conrad” drives a Kia east along I-20 in Alabama toward Georgia and Atlanta, with Davenport in the passenger seat. The two were almost certainly returning from Patriot Front activity. 

“Conrad’s” account on Telegram until recently featured Patriot Front symbols as a profile picture. He is also visible in Georgia photos posted online by Patriot Front, although his face is blurred in the images circulated by the racist organization.

`Photo posted by Patriot Front, October 2022, from group hike in “northern Georgia”. “Conrad” on left.`Photo posted by Patriot Front, October 2022, from group hike in “northern Georgia”. “Conrad” on left.

“Conrad” also participates in the Georgia chapter of the “White Lives Matter” (WLM) network. Discussion in the Georgia group’s chat on Telegram indicates that “Conrad” is now a core organizer for the Georgia WLM network and helps with administrative tasks. 

Discussion in White Lives Matter – Georgia, July 26, 2023

We are appealing to readers—in particular, those in metro Atlanta—to circulate these images of “Conrad.” Please reach out to our group if you recognize him or have potentially relevant information. 

Documentation: The Buggay Family and Associates (originally published August 2020)

2023 introduction: The documentation below was originally published as a long Twitter thread, in the aftermath of the neo-Confederate, racist, and militia mobilization in the community of Stone Mountain on August 15, 2020. We are republishing it on our site for two reasons. First, especially with Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, that site is not suited for anti-racist archives, because information can disappear at any time. Second, Judah Buggay performed with the “Jubilee” family musical act at this year’s Sons of Confederate Veterans “Confederate Memorial Day” rally at Stone Mountain Park. We wish to remind readers of the unambiguous racism of the Sons of Confederate Veterans’ chosen entertainment and that less than three years ago, Judah Buggay was attempting to club anti-racist protesters just outside the Park

Continue reading “Documentation: The Buggay Family and Associates (originally published August 2020)”

Documentation: Goyim Defense League Attempted Intimidation at East Cobb Synagogue, June 24, 2023

Update, April 2024: We have identified another participant in the Goyim Defense League rally outside Chabad Lubavitch of Cobb County. GDL member Mel Travis Layton (AKA “John 8:44”) of Missouri was the driver of the white Jeep which passed by the rally several times. Although his face is not visible in footage from East Cobb on June 24, Layton can be seen harassing Temple Beth Israel in downtown Macon the day before. Comments by “John 8:44” in the GDL chat on Telegram indicated that he was part of the group targeting Georgia synagogues over the June weekend. “John 8:44’s” electronic trail allowed us to identify Layton.

Updated August 2023 to include identification of Amanda Sue Onger (AKA “GothWaffen”) of Florida.

On the evening of Saturday, June 24, supporters of the antisemitic and neo-Nazi “Goyim Defense League” (GDL) rallied outside Chabad Lubavitch of Cobb County in the Atlanta suburbs. The GDL participants held Nazi flags and made “Sieg Heil” salutes in a clear attempt at intimidation.

One day earlier, many of the same characters rallied outside another synagogue, Temple Beth Israel in downtown Macon, Georgia. The GDL’s main figurehead, Jon Eugene Minadeo II (“Handsome Truth”), was briefly arrested over minor charges, but was soon released from jail and continued his Georgia harassment campaign. The GDL is less of a concrete group than a propaganda outfit and brand centering around Minadeo.

GDL neo-Nazis outside Chabad Lubavitch of Cobb County, 6/24/2023

In this photo album, we show twelve participants at the GDL’s East Cobb rally on Saturday. The footage is not clear enough to make any determination concerning the driver of the white Jeep that passed by the rally several times.

Of the twelve GDL participants pictured here, we identify the majority by name and associate the remainder with their online aliases. Most of those named here have already been publicly identified by other researchers and monitoring groups. However, GDL participant Matthew Thomas Bukaty of Florida is newly identified. Bukaty goes by the alias “DJ Boomer Tech” online. As well as participating in the GDL’s harassment campaigns, Bukaty is involved with the “Funky Side of Fash” project, which streams electronic music mixes combined with neo-Nazi imagery.

Only four of the neo-Nazis outside Chabad Lubavitch on Saturday appear to be based in Georgia: longtime white supremacist Michael David Weaver; Hilary and Philip Jacobs; as well as “Philly Fresh” (alias). The Jacobs couple as well as Weaver are the most active distributors of GDL propaganda in our state, often throwing bags of antisemitic propaganda onto lawns under the cover of darkness. “Philly Fresh” is part of the White Lives Matter – Georgia chat as well as active within the GDL. Over the last couple of years, our group has identified several others involved in GDL propaganda distribution in Georgia: see the tag on our website for details.

We are publishing these photos as a resource to other antifascist researchers and in the hope that someone will recognize the neo-Nazis who have not yet been publicly exposed. If you have any tips, please get in touch.

Continue reading “Documentation: Goyim Defense League Attempted Intimidation at East Cobb Synagogue, June 24, 2023”

Inside Southern Sons Active Club (Part I)

Summary: In January, we began infiltrating the Southern Sons Active Club (SSAC), a racist group operating in the Carolinas and in Georgia that is part of the broader “Active Club” network. With this two-part report, we identify twelve SSAC members and two former members. We also discuss a Georgia participant in the “Revolutionary White Brotherhood” (formerly “Blood and Soil Crew”), a regional neo-Nazi youth group with close ties to SSAC. We document SSAC’s ties to a white supremacist now facing charges for his part in a bank robbery conspiracy. In another instance of the club attracting violence-prone neo-Nazis, we discuss an underground cell in North Carolina dedicated to “direct action” whose members were previously in SSAC. Finally, we detail the club’s ties to other far-right projects operating regionally. SSAC plans to send a contingent to an upcoming national event by Patriot Front, May 12-14 in the southern Mid-Atlantic region.

This is Part I of a two-part article. For Part II, click here.

White nationalists exposed in Part I
Continue reading “Inside Southern Sons Active Club (Part I)”

Inside Southern Sons Active Club (Part II)

This is Part II of a two-part article. For Part I, click here.

White nationalists exposed in Part II
Continue reading “Inside Southern Sons Active Club (Part II)”

White Supremacist Graphic Artist “J. LaDarc”: Jessica LaFlamme, of Marietta, Georgia

Reprinted with permission from Anonymous Comrades Collective. Please be aware that this article contains documentation of white supremacist, antisemitic, and neo-Nazi content.

In our last article we exposed neo-Nazis “Jeff Winston” as Benjamin Arvin and “Hiraeth” as his fiancée Mandi Gillespie, headliners of the White Art Collective. This group of white supremacist musicians, graphic artists and writers practice their art for the purpose of spreading white nationalist and fascist rhetoric.

In this report you’ll get to know a visual artist who uses her questionable talents to promote racism and white supremacy with the White Art Collective, as well as provide artwork for other neo-Nazi writers and businesses. She calls herself “J. LaDarc,” but you’ll get to know her by her real name: Jessica LaFlamme, of Marietta, Georgia. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but even a thousand words is not enough to describe the toxicity of this graphic designer’s racism. Let’s begin!

Continue reading “White Supremacist Graphic Artist “J. LaDarc”: Jessica LaFlamme, of Marietta, Georgia”