Four Years of Atlanta Antifascists

On October 1st, 2016, Atlanta Antifascists held its first group activity, exposing an ally of Aryan Nations Worldwide in his community. The Aryan Nations faction was involved in promoting a major white supremacist gathering, Hammerfest 2016, which took place at a Georgia Klan bar the same day.

“Atlanta Antifascists” had been used as a label of convenience for a few weeks earlier, but it was the success of the October 1st group action that formed us into an ongoing collective project. A blog named “Atlanta Antifascist Notes” also predated our group by slightly under a year. That blog was transformed into a platform for Atlanta Antifascists.

It’s been an eventful few years! The video we’re releasing for this occasion does not capture everything we’ve done, but it gives some sense of the struggles we’ve engaged in and the backdrop of militant protests in our city. For more details on our beliefs and efforts, please browse this site.

We’re proud of our track record of disrupting fascist and white supremacist organizing over the last four years. There is plenty more misery ahead for white nationalist organizers, so to any of them reading this: get out while you can.

As always, we welcome information on racist and far-Right organizing in our state. Reach out if you can help.

Exposed: Far-Right Planning Armed “Stone Mountain Redux” Sneak Rally for September 26

Update 9/25/2020, afternoon: The main organizer for the rally is telling supporters on MeWe that he’s backing out.

Update 9/25/2020: The “Stone Mountain Redux” Facebook group has been removed.

Organizing on a secret Facebook group, far-Right adherents are planning an armed convoy in Georgia on Saturday, September 26.

Stone Mountain, August 15, 2020

The “Stone Mountain Redux” Facebook group is operated by Eric Braden in south Texas who also uses a Facebook account named “Cannon Hinton”. The “Hinton” alias is a reference to a young murder victim whose name has been hijacked by white nationalists, against the wishes of their grieving family. Braden / “Hinton” claims to be an Army veteran. He promoted and allegedly attended the armed far-Right / anti-Black Lives Matter rally at Stone Mountain on August 15. As “Cannon Hinton” he also wrote that he attended a recent militia protest in Louisville, Kentucky.

Eric Braden chats online with white nationalist Jan Dupree before August 15 rally in now-deleted Facebook group.

A second organizer for the “Stone Mountain” redux Facebook group is Corbin Waltering of Idaho, who runs a second Facebook profile under the name “Thomas Stonewall Jackson”. Waltering livestreamed from a militia anti-BLM counter-protest in Louisville, Kentucky on September 5.

Photo from Louisville, Kentucky, September 5, 2020, featuring Dylan Stevens AKA “The Angry Viking”

The main motivation for the September 26 armed convoy and sneak rally is to compensate for August 15 at Stone Mountain. On that day, assorted militiamen, neo-Confederates, anti-Black Lives Matter protesters, and white nationalists rallied in the community of Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Their rally was intended to take place in nearby Stone Mountain Park, but the Park announced the evening before that it would close that day to thwart the unpermitted rally. Gathering instead in the nearby community of Stone Mountain, the far-Right were outnumbered by anti-racist counter-protesters.

“Stone Mountain Redux” now aims to hold an armed convoy and to covertly rally in or near Stone Mountain. As messages in the secret Facebook group reveal, organizers will assemble at a private park or land, and then move to one or more points of interest. One “Redux” organizer has stated that they will not pay to enter the Park itself, although this may be a lie or an attempt at diversion. One possible scenario is the armed far-Right group attempting their display in the community of Stone Mountain or walking into the Park via a pedestrian entrance. It is also possible they will rally further afield, despite the Facebook group’s name.

Kyle Rittenhouse, currently facing murder charges, celebrated in “Stone Mountain Redux”

Although the private Facebook group has almost 300 members, only a portion of these numbers will likely attend the secret event on the day. Waltering’s claim that there will be 400 attendees seems highly inflated. It is likely, however, that some militias are being invited through other channels, not via posts in the Facebook group. The Facebook group’s members list includes several participants from August 15, such as Dusty Rutledge and Glen “Mitch” Simon, as well as the “Confederate States III%” organizers of that day’s fiasco (with one saying they will be preoccupied on the 26th).

While the armed convoy is intended as a show of strength, it is actually a display of weakness. Organizers need to sneak around and try to keep their plans secret, because they know that announcing their plans publicly and in advance will mean they get outnumbered and humiliated. We urge community members in or near Stone Mountain to stay alert on the 26th, since any convoy could target residents for harassment. 

Sadly, for as long as carvings glorifying white supremacy remain on Stone Mountain, the monument will attract organized racists and far-Right militants. This in turn may place local community members in harm’s way. Our group aims to reduce this risk by monitoring the planned event and releasing information as we can. To begin, we are leaking discussion and a member’s list from the private “Stone Mountain Redux” group. Please check our social media for updates.

If you have further information on the September 26th sneak rally or its attendees, get in contact.

Continue reading “Exposed: Far-Right Planning Armed “Stone Mountain Redux” Sneak Rally for September 26”

Patriot Front in Georgia

The Torch Network of militant antifascists has leaked over a year of internal communications from Patriot Front, a major white supremacist organization operating nationally. The data leak, which exposes the organization’s inner workings and potential identifying information about individual members, will be a blow to the racist group. Atlanta Antifascists are a member group within Torch and are proud to promote the data leak, which can be found here.

Patriot Front propaganda distributed in Candler Park area of Atlanta, 2018

Patriot Front formed in the direct aftermath of 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as a splinter from and rebranding of the fascist Vanguard America. From December 2017 through May 2018, a Patriot Front state chapter led at the time by Aaron Christopher Krueger repeatedly targeted metro Atlanta with Patriot Front propaganda. When we exposed Krueger based on an earlier info leak, the Patriot Front campaign came to a sudden halt. Also in 2018, we published about Christopher Gibson, a Ku Klux Klan supporter in Dublin, Georgia who had bragged about placing PF stickers around his community.

We still seek information on “John GA” who targeted Columbus, GA synagogues

The following year, Patriot Front surfaced in Columbus, Georgia, eventually targeting synagogues in that community. Some stickers were also posted in the Atlanta suburb of Lawrenceville. We determined that Christopher Skylar Brooks – also a member of the Proud Boys far-Right group – helped place the propaganda in Lawrenceville and traveled to Columbus to help target synagogues with member “John GA” (alias). The new Patriot Front leaks cover this time period. Brooks has now moved to Shanghai, China. We still seek information on “John GA”.

In 2020, Patriot Front has been recruiting in Georgia, with metro Atlanta and other locations hit with the organization’s propaganda. The current pandemic, which leads to more time spent online, may have assisted recruitment. In general, however, Patriot Front’s presence in Georgia is weaker than in other regions and their new recruits do not stick around for long: they are either scared away from racist activism or move on to other projects. We welcome any more information about members we have not yet identified. When we identify white supremacists, the information may follow them even to China, as Christopher Skylar Brooks found out.

Documentation: Far-Right at Stone Mountain, Georgia, August 15, 2020 (Gallery 1 of 3)

Free Patriots Forever” arrive in Stone Mountain
Chris Hill of III% Security Force on right. (From footage by Ford Fischer/News2Share)
Continue reading “Documentation: Far-Right at Stone Mountain, Georgia, August 15, 2020 (Gallery 1 of 3)”

Documentation: Far-Right at Stone Mountain, Georgia, August 15, 2020 (Gallery 2 of 3)

Glen Mitchell Simon (AKA Mitch Simon) with megaphone.
In background with flag head-wrap: William “Danny” Aye, Virginia member of Heirs to the Confederacy.
Continue reading “Documentation: Far-Right at Stone Mountain, Georgia, August 15, 2020 (Gallery 2 of 3)”

Documentation: Far-Right at Stone Mountain, Georgia, August 15, 2020 (Gallery 3 of 3)

Rosie Johnson of Alabama
Continue reading “Documentation: Far-Right at Stone Mountain, Georgia, August 15, 2020 (Gallery 3 of 3)”

Update: Georgia Republican Candidates Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gurtler Assist Recruitment for Antisemitic “Patriots” Group

Update 8/11/2020: Marjorie Taylor Greene won in the GA14 Republican runoff and will likely head to Congress. Matt Gurtler was defeated in GA09.

On August 11th, Georgia Congressional candidates Marjorie Taylor Greene (14th District) and Matt Gurtler (9th District) will compete in runoff elections for their Districts’ Republican nominations. Greene faces John Cowan for the 14th District nomination, while Gurtler is competing against Andrew Clyde in the 9th District. Both the 9th and the 14th Districts lean heavily Republican, so whoever wins the GOP nomination for each of these districts is likely to take a seat in Congress. Both Greene and Gurtler have ties to American Patriots USA, an ostensibly pro-Trump organization with roots in the neo-Nazi and Klan undergrounds.

Chester Doles video with Marjorie Greene sign in background

We have covered the “American Patriots USA” (APUSA) organization in north Georgia since it was formed last year, in the wake of a September far-Right rally in Dahlonega. That rally’s organizer and APUSA’s leader, Chester Doles, has a history spanning decades in the white supremacist movement. Doles led a Ku Klux Klan group, operated the Georgia unit of the neo-Nazi “National Alliance”, and more recently supported the violent Hammerskins racist gang. Other white nationalists are also involved with APUSA, and Doles has boasted that there is no “Jew loving [… in] this Crew”. The organization has also built tactical alliances with some far-Right people of color.

As we documented in our May article, Doles has now built bridges to Republican candidates. In late February, Doles and other members posed with Marjorie Taylor Greene behind an APUSA banner. In March, State House Representative and current GA09 candidate Matt Gurtler talked to an APUSA meeting and posed for a group photo.

Continue reading “Update: Georgia Republican Candidates Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gurtler Assist Recruitment for Antisemitic “Patriots” Group”

REVEALED: White Nationalist who Targeted Synagogues in Columbus, Georgia

On July 29 of last year, two members of Patriot Front – a fascist and white nationalist organization – placed propaganda at synagogues in Columbus, Georgia in an apparent attempt at intimidation. We can now identify one of the two people responsible, who we had written about earlier this year but failed to connect to activity in Columbus. As discussed in our previous article, Christopher Skylar Brooks helped place Patriot Front (PF) materials in the Atlanta suburb of Lawrenceville in May 2019. We connected Brooks to the PF materials in Lawrenceville via an online brag in combination with Brooks’ internet handle, location, dress, and other clues. In our article about Brooks, we surmised that he did not last long in Patriot Front. However, he stayed long enough in the organization to target Columbus, Georgia synagogues with another member, a month and a half after the May propaganda run in Lawrenceville.

Continue reading “REVEALED: White Nationalist who Targeted Synagogues in Columbus, Georgia”

“Heritage Not Hate” and White Nationalist Networks

On August 15, 2020, racists and the far-Right vow to rally at Stone Mountain outside Atlanta.  

Heritage Not Hate private Facebook group

An earlier alert discussed the upcoming rally and Stone Mountain Park’s history. We noted how two projects promoting the August 15 rallies – Protect the South and American Patriots USA – have their roots in neo-Nazi organizing. Both projects now try to build broader alliances through coded messaging.

We also mentioned the “Defending Stone Mountain” call to action from leaders of the Confederate States III% militia (CSIII%). CSIII% is a nominally non-racist far-Right group. In this update, we focus on these “Defending Stone Mountain” organizers and their ties to white nationalist networks. 

At the end of this update, we discuss a new white supremacist project from a long-familiar face who is also trying to agitate around the Confederate carvings on Stone Mountain.

Continue reading ““Heritage Not Hate” and White Nationalist Networks”