Adam Ray Davenport (born May 16, 1989) of Derden Circle SW in Lilburn, metro Atlanta is a key member of Patriot Front in our state. Patriot Front (PF) formed in 2017 as a breakaway from the fascist Vanguard America group, in the immediate aftermath of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. From the beginning of PF, our organization has documented its activity in our state and exposed its organizers. Davenport joined PF last year and quickly became one of its most committed members in our region.
Adam Davenport
In addition to his activity with Patriot Front, Davenport is behind the newly formed “Atlas Active Club” which claims to operate in metro Atlanta and north Georgia. The Active Club network provides a space for white nationalists to network with each other and to train for violence against their targets. Davenport is also an online propagandist for his white power cause, running a Substack account and a Telegram channel offering a “pro-White perspective” on events in metro Atlanta. This propaganda outlet regularly promotes PF and circulates updates from the local chapter.
We are seeking information on the white nationalist pictured below.
“Conrad” (an alias) is a close associate of Adam Davenport, an organizer in metro Atlanta for the white supremacist and fascist organization Patriot Front. “Conrad” has also been involved with Patriot Front, beginning at least last year.
Adam Davenport posted the first picture of “Conrad” to the “Fren Report” racist Telegram chat, early in the morning on July 16, 2022. The second image is from a brief video posted by Davenport to the same channel on the evening of July 17, 2022. In that video, “Conrad” drives a Kia east along I-20 in Alabama toward Georgia and Atlanta, with Davenport in the passenger seat. The two were almost certainly returning from Patriot Front activity.
“Conrad’s” account on Telegram until recently featured Patriot Front symbols as a profile picture. He is also visible in Georgia photos posted online by Patriot Front, although his face is blurred in the images circulated by the racist organization.
`Photo posted by Patriot Front, October 2022, from group hike in “northern Georgia”. “Conrad” on left.`Photo posted by Patriot Front, October 2022, from group hike in “northern Georgia”. “Conrad” on left.
“Conrad” also participates in the Georgia chapter of the “White Lives Matter” (WLM) network. Discussion in the Georgia group’s chat on Telegram indicates that “Conrad” is now a core organizer for the Georgia WLM network and helps with administrative tasks.
Discussion in White Lives Matter – Georgia, July 26, 2023
We are appealing to readers—in particular, those in metro Atlanta—to circulate these images of “Conrad.” Please reach out to our group if you recognize him or have potentially relevant information.
We are unmasking two members of Patriot Front in Georgia: Karter Regan Brown of Marietta and Christian Ian Foshee of Milledgeville. Patriot Front is a white supremacist and fascist organization, formed as a splinter from and rebrand of Vanguard America in the aftermath of 2017’s bloody “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The organization is known for carefully choreographed marches, incessant placement of propaganda, and a nationwide defacement campaign against anti-racist murals, community spaces, and memorials to victims of police murder. All these activities are symbolic acts of intimidation, foreshadowing more literal violence. Patriot Front has tried to hide the identity of its members, but their organization has recently suffered a massive data leak.
Karter Brown at Patriot Front training camp, October 2021
Christian Foshee at Patriot Front training camp, October 2021
Both Brown (“Jackson GA” within Patriot Front) and Foshee (“Jesse GA”) are visible in footage from the organization’s training camp in Tallahassee, Florida, which was held last October. Christian Foshee is also visible in an image of Patriot Front’s drill formations at a Unionville, Virginia camp, just before the racist group held its December 4th national rally in Washington, DC. Karter Brown also attended the December Patriot Front rally in Washington DC, renting a van for Patriot Front members from Georgia to drive to the event.
Summary: Christopher Mark Head of Locust Grove, Georgia, promotes and helps organize for local versions of the July 24 anti-vaxxer “Worldwide Rally for Freedom”. He also disseminates anti-vax propaganda under the “White Rose” name in Metro Atlanta. Online, Head networks with Nazis and helps radicalize anti-vaxxers into extreme forms of antisemitism and racism. Head travels around Metro Atlanta as a Turf Masters employee, leaving far-Right propaganda in the communities he visits. We assess the threat level of Head’s network to marginalized communities and conclude with a call for additional monitoring of the intersection between anti-vaccination, antisemitism, and white supremacy.
Picture shared to “White Rose North GA” telegram channel.
When far-Right movements lack a strong figurehead and common target, they infight. The electoral defeat of Trump and the slow-motion implosion of the QAnon conspiracy theory have brought a period of infighting, but also of recomposition. New figures step into the disarray, attempting to bring order and to “unite the right”. One of these figures is Christopher Mark Head from Locust Grove, Georgia. Through his work with the “White Rose North GA” anti-mask/anti-vaccination group, Head builds alliances with everyone from explicit neo-Nazis to more mainstream anti-vaxxers.
Head’s political agenda goes far beyond anti-vaccination campaigns and COVID-19 conspiracies. His aim is to politically impose his version of Christian Fundamentalism, and to purge society of alleged “anti-Christ” influence—he is, in other words, a Christofascist. Although Chris Head occasionally criticizes Nazism, he also considers neo-Nazis as allies against his greater enemies.
This year, Head has been increasingly involved in on-the-ground activism and placing propaganda stickers across Metro Atlanta. In recent weeks, Head has also been planning and promoting anti-mask/anti-vaccination rallies in our state. These rallies are scheduled for Saturday, July 24. Head is one of the most active participants in the “Worldwide Georgia” channel on Telegram for the anti-vaxxer rallies. Through his efforts for the July 24 mobilization, Head hopes to meet allies and draw them closer to his far-Right politics. With the publication of this article, “Sir Christopher”/Chris Head will at least no longer have the cover of anonymity.
Update 9/25/2020, afternoon: The main organizer for the rally is telling supporters on MeWe that he’s backing out.
Update 9/25/2020: The “Stone Mountain Redux” Facebook group has been removed.
Organizing on a secret Facebook group, far-Right adherents are planning an armed convoy in Georgia on Saturday, September 26.
Stone Mountain, August 15, 2020
The “Stone Mountain Redux” Facebook group is operated by Eric Braden in south Texas who also uses a Facebook account named “Cannon Hinton”. The “Hinton” alias is a reference to a young murder victim whose name has been hijacked by white nationalists, against the wishes of their grieving family. Braden / “Hinton” claims to be an Army veteran. He promoted and allegedly attended the armed far-Right / anti-Black Lives Matter rally at Stone Mountain on August 15. As “Cannon Hinton” he also wrote that he attended a recent militia protest in Louisville, Kentucky.
Eric Braden chats online with white nationalist Jan Dupree before August 15 rally in now-deleted Facebook group.
A second organizer for the “Stone Mountain” redux Facebook group is Corbin Waltering of Idaho, who runs a second Facebook profile under the name “Thomas Stonewall Jackson”. Waltering livestreamed from a militia anti-BLM counter-protest in Louisville, Kentucky on September 5.
Photo from Louisville, Kentucky, September 5, 2020, featuring Dylan Stevens AKA “The Angry Viking”
The main motivation for the September 26 armed convoy and sneak rally is to compensate for August 15 at Stone Mountain. On that day, assorted militiamen, neo-Confederates, anti-Black Lives Matter protesters, and white nationalists rallied in the community of Stone Mountain outside Atlanta. Their rally was intended to take place in nearby Stone Mountain Park, but the Park announced the evening before that it would close that day to thwart the unpermitted rally. Gathering instead in the nearby community of Stone Mountain, the far-Right were outnumbered by anti-racist counter-protesters.
“Stone Mountain Redux” now aims to hold an armed convoy and to covertly rally in or near Stone Mountain. As messages in the secret Facebook group reveal, organizers will assemble at a private park or land, and then move to one or more points of interest. One “Redux” organizer has stated that they will not pay to enter the Park itself, although this may be a lie or an attempt at diversion. One possible scenario is the armed far-Right group attempting their display in the community of Stone Mountain or walking into the Park via a pedestrian entrance. It is also possible they will rally further afield, despite the Facebook group’s name.
Kyle Rittenhouse, currently facing murder charges, celebrated in “Stone Mountain Redux”
Although the private Facebook group has almost 300 members, only a portion of these numbers will likely attend the secret event on the day. Waltering’s claim that there will be 400 attendees seems highly inflated. It is likely, however, that some militias are being invited through other channels, not via posts in the Facebook group. The Facebook group’s members list includes several participants from August 15, such as Dusty Rutledge and Glen “Mitch” Simon, as well as the “Confederate States III%” organizers of that day’s fiasco (with one saying they will be preoccupied on the 26th).
While the armed convoy is intended as a show of strength, it is actually a display of weakness. Organizers need to sneak around and try to keep their plans secret, because they know that announcing their plans publicly and in advance will mean they get outnumbered and humiliated. We urge community members in or near Stone Mountain to stay alert on the 26th, since any convoy could target residents for harassment.
Sadly, for as long as carvings glorifying white supremacy remain on Stone Mountain, the monument will attract organized racists and far-Right militants. This in turn may place local community members in harm’s way. Our group aims to reduce this risk by monitoring the planned event and releasing information as we can. To begin, we are leaking discussion and a member’s list from the private “Stone Mountain Redux” group. Please check our social media for updates.
If you have further information on the September 26th sneak rally or its attendees, get in contact.
The Torch Network of militant antifascists has leaked over a year of internal communications from Patriot Front, a major white supremacist organization operating nationally. The data leak, which exposes the organization’s inner workings and potential identifying information about individual members, will be a blow to the racist group. Atlanta Antifascists are a member group within Torch and are proud to promote the data leak, which can be found here.
Patriot Front propaganda distributed in Candler Park area of Atlanta, 2018
Patriot Front formed in the direct aftermath of 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as a splinter from and rebranding of the fascist Vanguard America. From December 2017 through May 2018, a Patriot Front state chapter led at the time by Aaron Christopher Krueger repeatedly targeted metro Atlanta with Patriot Front propaganda. When we exposed Krueger based on an earlier info leak, the Patriot Front campaign came to a sudden halt. Also in 2018, we published about Christopher Gibson, a Ku Klux Klan supporter in Dublin, Georgia who had bragged about placing PF stickers around his community.
We still seek information on “John GA” who targeted Columbus, GA synagogues
The following year, Patriot Front surfaced in Columbus, Georgia, eventually targeting synagogues in that community. Some stickers were also posted in the Atlanta suburb of Lawrenceville. We determined that Christopher Skylar Brooks – also a member of the Proud Boys far-Right group – helped place the propaganda in Lawrenceville and traveled to Columbus to help target synagogues with member “John GA” (alias). The new Patriot Front leaks cover this time period. Brooks has now moved to Shanghai, China. We still seek information on “John GA”.
In 2020, Patriot Front has been recruiting in Georgia, with metro Atlanta and otherlocations hit with the organization’s propaganda. The current pandemic, which leads to more time spent online, may have assisted recruitment. In general, however, Patriot Front’s presence in Georgia is weaker than in other regions and their new recruits do not stick around for long: they are either scared away from racist activism or move on to other projects. We welcome any more information about members we have not yet identified. When we identify white supremacists, the information may follow them even to China, as Christopher Skylar Brooks found out.
Mark Bryant of Marietta, Georgia is, at first glance, an average member of his community. He is a parent, active in his church, and a practicing Certified Public Accountant. However, this accountant has for decades been active on the far-Right fringes. Bryant combines his profession with his politics by providing accounting services for white supremacists and white nationalists.
Mark Christian Bryant
Bryant appears as the accountant for the National Policy Institute (NPI) – the white nationalist think tank largely responsible for the birth and promotion of the “Alt-Right” – from NPI’s 2008 tax filings until 2015, the most recent year for which filings are available. (Raw summary data is also available for 2016, but the filing itself with the preparer’s name has not yet been posted.)
Bryant on National Policy Institute tax filings
In addition, from 2007 to 2012 Bryant appeared as the accountant for the secretive Charles Martel Society (CMS), which publishes the racist, pseudo-academic Occidental Quarterly and provided seed money for the NPI. For the lastthreeof those years, Bryant provided various mailing addresses linked to himself as the contact for CMS.
We are exposing Jamie Lee Mallard of Georgia as longtime racist and extreme-Right propagandist “James Futurist”. Mallard, whose other aliases include “James Egoist”, James Rockwell, Jameson Blackwell and NeoNationalist, has been active in the white power movement since 2012, including that movement’s most extreme neo-Nazi fringes. For years Mallard promoted IronMarch (IM), a website that birthed other white supremacist organizations such as Vanguard America and the murderous Atomwaffen Division (AWD). Jamie Mallard collaborated with IronMarch’s webmaster, “Slavros”, and had contact with early AWD members including its founder Brandon Russell – now imprisoned on federal explosives charges – and Devon Arthurs, who killed two other members of the group. As “James Futurist”, Mallard appeared on several episodes of IM’s “Mysterium Fasces” podcast.
Jamie Lee Mallard
Briefly-used profile image on white supremacist site The Daily Stormer
Jamie Mallard states that he currently lives in Smyrna, Georgia, part of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Before his 2019 move, Mallard lived in several southern Georgia communities such as Tifton and later Moultrie. Mallard is a veteran of the US Air Force but now works in information technology. While living in Moultrie, Mallard claims to have had access to the “entire town’s sensitive data” as part of his job. Mallard currently fantasizes about an approaching civil war, or “Boogaloo”. While Mallard maintains a nihilistic and despairing persona, he remains in contact with key players on the racist scene, such as Alt-Right podcaster Mike Peinovich (AKA “Mike Enoch”) and members of the fascist Patriot Front.
Mallard’s “Jameson Blackwell” VKontakte account also references the skull mask, a symbol popularized by IronMarch.
Update 5/15/2019: We have received multiple indications that John L Clemmer is no longer working for IBM. We welcome more information on this white nationalist – please get in touch.
Update 2021: We placed posters in the Carver Hills neighborhood of northwest Atlanta, where Huggins now co-owns a house.
On Sunday, March 10, racist organization Identity Evropa held its first protest under its new name of “American Identity Movement” at the State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee. The protest took place after the national conference of Identity Evropa (IE) / American Identity Movement (AmIM), held the Friday and Saturday beforehand at the Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park in Burkesville, Kentucky. (Note: we use the acronym “AmIM” for the “American Identity Movement” out of respect for AIM, the American Indian Movement.)
One participant in IE / AmIM is Metro Atlanta white nationalist Jared Alexander Huggins, who seemingly appeared in the crowd at AmIM’s rally in Nashville. Huggins has been involved with Identity Evropa – and has been on the radar of antifascists – since 2016. We have mentioned Huggins in passing several times, but until now have not profiled his activity in depth.
Jared Alexander Huggins, 2016. Note the fasces – a symbol of fascism – on Huggins’ patch.